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miauu's Statistica

0 votes

miauu's Statistica offers you a lot more statistics information related to your current selection and entire scene.

The statistics are separated to 4 sections which you can customize by turning on and off options in the Statistica user interface.

Favorite Scripts

31 votes

New: Recent / History of last picked scripts (only Full version)

Automatic Scripts Menu for .ms and .mse scripts.
From Office Network location, Local or Dropbox ( same scripts on every machine and all max versions )

Mesh Cleaner

0 votes

A 3dsMax Script for Cleaning Objects Topology.

*Important Note: The Script has no Undo, Please Save your Work before using it.

How to Install and How it works are Explained in the Video.

Group to EditablePoly

0 votes

This script is intended to convert group into editable Poly.if you have multiple groups selected it will create multiple editable poly objects ( one editable Poly per group). It support nested groups (group within group).the script has no interface, it's just a button, here is the default icon , once installed you just need to have one or multiple groups selected and click the button and that's it, no fancy options.

Copy and Paste Objects

110 votes

It's always annoyed me that I couldn't copy objects from one instance of max and paste them into another - as I work with 2 or 3 instances of max up at a time. It's tedious to do a save selected / merge objects so this script does it for you. It's not a TRUE copy/paste via the windows clipboard - but it will let you very quickly copy objects from one file to another.

Save Selected With Maps

3 votes

It will collect/relink all selected objects bitmaps to the chosen folder, even if the bitmaps are just flagged "found" in the asset tracker, and it will save your selected objects to that same folder. If you don't want to change your scene bitmap paths, Save it before applying the script then reload the scene.

If path are missing or unsolved those maps will keep their missing or unsolved path, it will be easier to try to find them.


756 votes

 The Outliner 2.0 is a fast and easy to use scene management tool. It has a wide range of features, including selecting, hiding, freezing, linking and grouping objects in the "Hierarchy Mode". In the "Layer Mode" you can organize your scene by dragging&dropping objects from one layer to the other. What's more, the Outliner offers support for nested layers, to manage scenes more efficiently. The interface is nimble enough to keep it open constantly.

WireColor Pro

1 vote

Object color randomization, instance sync, gradients, and material control for 3ds Max.


4 votes

Advanced Wirecolor Tool


-Randomize Wirecolor
-Gradient Wirecolor
-Realtime Wirecolor
-Batch Wirecolor to Material Converter
-Batch Material Eraser

This script is now deprecated.

Use the latest optimized version: WireColor Pro

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