
15 votes
Date Updated: 

Script originally based on the code from E-light 1.02 by Ronnie Olsthoorn - new features detailed below.

'This script generates a geosphere with lights on its vertices. The lights can be coloured using a bitmap. The settings let you create a lightdome that simulates complex environment light.'

Additional Info: 

Version 2.0 adds the following improvements:
- Lights parameters.
- Lights cones.
- Shadow parameters.
- Shadows atmosphere.
- Advanced effects

Version 2.0a adds:
- Addition of the button to remove environment
- To center bitmapusage

In the event of bug or to request new features - contact me.

Version Requirement: 
8; 7; 6; 5; 4
Video URL: 


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rs3d's picture

Has anyone added support for

Has anyone added support for different shadow types (V-Ray,etc.)?
It's still a very useful'n' easy Domelight script...

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