
3 votes
Date Updated: 

Animation helper script to dynamically add animation ranges. By clicking on a stored range the active range is set back to the stored range.

The animation ranges are stored within the scene, no additional files are used. Animation sequence can be changed, exported or deleted.

Additional Info: 

Upgrade of version 1.0 to 1.2:

-- Version 1.2
-- Date: 27-06-2011
-- added:
-- rownummer before animation
-- when adding a new animation the current active range is used
-- added: select all, select none and select invert
-- added: selection move up and move down
-- removed the checkbox before the animation line, one selection method should be enough
-- deleting the selection will trigger a confirmation dialog popup first
-- overwriting the active range will trigger a confirmation dialog popup first
-- added an about box

A newer version of this script can be found here in scriptspot:

Sorry for the confusion.

Version Requirement: 
tested with 3ds max 2012 but will probarly work with older versions as well
animhelp.mse23.5 KB
animhelp.jpg32.18 KB


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jais's picture


Thanks for that script. It's a true timesaver and organizer.
Does anyone know if something like this is available for maya.
I do game animation in both programs.
Thanks again.

Arjen v Haren's picture

Thanks for the comment! Yes,

Thanks for the comment! Yes, the UI needs some rework to make it more compact, hopefully in the next version :). I also want to add a grouping of selections so you can hide other groups, etc.

titane357's picture

Hello, it would be great to

Hello, it would be great to have a more compact Ui so we can keep the ui window open.

animhelpui.jpg 62.48 KB

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