DarkScintilla: Maxscript Editor dark scheme
A dark color scheme for the Maxscript Editor, inspired by dark schemes available for other IDEs
As i was doing more and more max scripting lately, the urge to do something with the eye hurting Maxscript Editor colors escalated. So i sat down today and had a walkthrough on the various options Scintilla (Maxscript Editors core) provides.
After that i started to tweak, and integrate the color scheme and font settings which i use in other IDE's like Monodevelop, Flashdevelop or Eclipse ( even VS is set to the dark scheme here). Additionally i transfered nearly all of the color settings previously in the "maxscript.properties" to the "MXS_EditorUser.properties" file, using symbolic color names etc...
So here is the result:
It has not been tested to all it's extends, but this is a pretty complete set.
- V1.2d - fixed too dark-blue color for FPS and struct properties...
slightly brightened color for global constants and made it use bold fonts - V1.2c - fixed yet another typo in "MXS_EditorUser.properties" which was breaking coloring of verbatim strings..
( corrected line is "colour.string.verbatim=...", the equals-sign was typed as colon )
Huge thanks for reporting this go to Klaas Nienhuis from the beautiful netherlands
Made caret color a bit darker ( this is global), now it should be better visible on white backgrounds - V1.2b - fixed typo in "MXS_EditorUser.properties" ( "indent.closeing" changed to "indent.closing" )
Now autoindenting should work again as expected (thx go to James Haywood for reporting) - V1.2a- Fixed some stupid install script error popup happening on older Max versions.
Note: you can't assign a string-variable to a maxscript label-text during roll out creation. - V1.2 - provided an installer Script. Just Drag and Drop the complete packacke ( *.mzp) into a 3ds Max viewport
The Installationscript will guide you through the complete installation (or uninstallation) process
Some minor color tweaks... - V1.1a- Updated readme for people having trouble installing. The "MXS_EditorUser.properties" has to go to the Max
user- folder. See readme. I will create a install script over the weekend, so stay tuned... - V1.1 - integrated ALL tweaks in "MXS_EditorUser.properties", replacing maxscript.properties NO LONGER necessary !!!
I recommend to restore the original from your backup, or use the one in [maxscript.properties ORIGINAL] in the zip
Thanks go to Johan Boekhoven for the hint... - V1.0a - Fixed "MXS_EditorUser.properties" to not modify global color styles( back color most noticable )
- V1.0 - Initial release
- Internet Explorer tends to rename *.mzp (Maxscript Package) downloads to *.zip - please change extension back to *.mzp
- There is no adapted html.properties, so html file display with Maxscript editor is not "recolored" -> see readme in the zip
- This scheme uses Microsofts Consolas font, which is freely downloadable at MS ( see link inside the zip)
- Changes can easily be done, just edit self-explaining symbolic color values in MXS_EditorUser.properties
- If you make some improvements and tweaks, please contact me and share and i will integrate them
Suggestions, improvements etc.. are welcome
Here is how it looks
Wow! Nice and very helpful!
Wow! Nice and very helpful! Thanks