MSPM - MaxScript Project Manager

53 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Sven Fraeys


MaxScript Project Manager is a tool for MaxScript Developers.

MSPM will assist in creating, developing and publishing projects.

This way the developer only needs to think about developing his tool and nothing else.

The biggest advantage of this tool is the ability to create a ready-to-go mzp within seconds. This with a solid customizable installer-template. 

Every created mzp-installer is "MaxScript Manager" compatible. (norman3D), this gives the ability to make your users aware if there are any new updates for your tool.

(more information and video tutorials coming soon)



Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 9 - 2010 - 2011
Other Software Required: 
WinRar (MZP - for install package)


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br0t's picture

looks like a nice way to keep

looks like a nice way to keep things organized. unfortunately 3ds max crashes with an application error when i drag&drop the published mzp file in my max viewport :(

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

Svennovich's picture

ey lucpet59 Be sure that you

ey lucpet59

Be sure that you have all write access to your pc, MSPM needs to be able to create and copy files to your hard disk.
go to : Control Panel -> User Account Control Settings -> and put it on "never notify me".

Other possibility: Manually install
- open mzp with winzip / winrar.
- put 'MaxScriptProjectManager' in the $userScript folder
- execute in max: ''

I hope the above works, please let me know if the installer is still giving you trouble.

lucpet59's picture

Getting error trying to install

"Could not find folder in the Local Temp, extract failed" then
"Installation Complete" then
--runtime error: fileIn: can't open file -

I guess I'm a little thick but could you give a quick run through on installing this please.

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