Date Updated:
02/06/2020 try(DestroyDialog OP_EDITOR) catch() rollout OP_EDITOR "ObjectPicker" width:240 height:550 ( global fileX = #() global bgPath global OP global OPTimer global OPselection = #() global OPselectionIND = #() global OPstartPos = [0.0,0.0] global anyButton = undefined global OPmouseCurs = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" global OPkoef = 1.0 --------------------------------------------forMove global OP_p global OP_move = false global OPCtrlSave = #() global OPposSave = #() --------------------------------------------forUndo global OP_UNDO = #() global OP_UNDOcount = 20 ---------------------------------------------------------EVENTS fn OPresize win arg= ( local koef = (win.MaxHeight*0.1)/(win.MaxWidth*0.1) win.Height =win.Width*koef OPkoef = win.Height/(win.MaxHeight*0.1) win.content.children.item[0].Width = (win.MaxWidth*0.1)*OPkoef win.content.children.item[0].Height = (win.MaxHeight*0.1)*OPkoef win.content.children.item[0].Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (win.Width *-0.5) (win.Height*-0.5) 0 0 for i = 2 to win.content.children.count do ( local bntOne = win.content.children.item[i-1].children.item[0] bntOne.Width = fileX[i][3]*OPkoef bntOne.Height = fileX[i][4]*OPkoef try ( if bntOne.radiusX != 0.0 then ( bntOne.radiusX = (amin #( bntOne.Width, bntOne.Height)) * 0.3 bntOne.radiusY= (amin #( bntOne.Width, bntOne.Height)) * 0.3 ) )catch() bntOne.Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (-bntOne.Width*0.5) (-bntOne.Height*0.5) 0 0 win.content.children.item[i-1].Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (fileX[i][1]*OPkoef) (fileX[i][2]*OPkoef) 0 0 bntOne = win.content.children.item[i-1].children.item[1] bntOne.FontSize = fileX[i][12][3]*OPkoef bntOne.Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" ((bntOne.ActualWidth * -0.5) + fileX[i][12][4]*OPkoef ) ((bntOne.ActualHeight * -0.5) + fileX[i][12][5]*OPkoef) 0 0 ) ) fn OPClose win arg= ( OPselection = #() OPselectionIND = #() OPTimer.Dispose() fileX = #() ) fn clickBg = (-------------------------------CLICK start OPstartPos = OPmouseCurs.Position anyButton = #() for i = 2 to op.content.children.count do (--traf?????? if (op.content.children.item[i-1].children.item[0].IsMouseOver == true) do ( anyButton = #(op.content.children.item[i-1].children.item[0], i) ) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if anyButton.count != 0 then (--ak ANO if (keyboard.AltPressed) or (keyboard.controlPressed) then ( if (keyboard.AltPressed) then ( local found = (findItem OPselection anyButton[1]) if (found != 0) then ( try ( deleteItem OPselection found deleteItem OPselectionIND found )catch() ) else() ) if (keyboard.controlPressed) then ( appendifUnique OPselection anyButton[1] appendifUnique OPselectionIND anyButton[2] ) )else ( OPselection = #(anyButton[1]) OPselectionIND = #(anyButton[2]) ) )else (--ak NIE if (keyboard.controlPressed) then () else ( OPselection=#() OPselectionIND = #() ) ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fsetko Bez Okrajov potom Selekcia s Okrajmi for j= 1 to (op.content.children.count-1) do ( op.content.children.item[j].children.item[0].StrokeThickness =0 ) for j= 1 to OPselection.count do ( OPselection[j].StrokeThickness = 3 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked != true) then ( -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------selection deselect objects local newSel = #() for k = 1 to OPselection.count do ( for j in fileX[OPselectionIND[k]][7] do ( if ((getnodebyname j) != undefined) do (append newSel (getnodebyname j)) ) ) try (select newSel) catch() -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------move if OP_EDITOR.chbM.checked then ( OP_move = false OPCtrlSave = #() OPposSave = #() for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( OPCtrlSave[i] = #() OPposSave[i] = #() for j = 1 to fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7].count do ( try ( OPCtrlSave[i][j] = #() OPposSave[i][j] = #() OPCtrlSave[i][j][1] = execute ("$" + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7][j] + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][8]) OPCtrlSave[i][j][2] = execute ("$" + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7][j] + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][10]) OPposSave[i][j][1] = (OPCtrlSave[i][j][1]).value OPposSave[i][j][2] = (OPCtrlSave[i][j][2]).value )catch() ) ) ) ) OPTimer.start() ) fn moveBTN = (-------------------------------CLICK hold OP_p = OPmouseCurs.Position if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then (--if EditMode for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( local newX = fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][1] * OPkoef + (OP_p.x - OPstartPos.x) local newY = fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][2] * OPkoef + (OP_p.y - OPstartPos.y) OPselection[i].parent.margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" newX newY 0 0 ) )else (--if no EditMode if OP_EDITOR.chbM.checked then (--if no EditMode and "MOVE" ON OP_move = true for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( for j = 1 to fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7].count do ( try ( OPCtrlSave[i][j][1].value = OPposSave[i][j][1] + (OP_p.x - OPstartPos.x) * fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][9] OPCtrlSave[i][j][2].value = OPposSave[i][j][2] + (OP_p.y - OPstartPos.y) * fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][11] )catch() ) ) ) ) ) fn upBg = (-------------------------------CLICK end OPTimer.Stop() for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][1] = ( OPselection[i].parent.margin.Left / OPkoef ) fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][2] = ( OPselection[i].parent.margin.Top / OPkoef ) ) if (OP_EDITOR.chbM.checked and OP_move) then (--if no EditMode and "MOVE" ON for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( for j = 1 to fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7].count do ( try ( insertItem #(OPCtrlSave, OPposSave) OP_UNDO 1 )catch() OP_UNDO.count = OP_UNDOcount ) ) ) ) fn clickBtn btn arg= ( if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( OP_EDITOR.sp01.value = btn.Width / OPkoef OP_EDITOR.sp02.value = btn.Height / OPkoef OP_EDITOR.cp.color = (color btn.Fill.Color.r btn.Fill.Color.g btn.Fill.Color.b btn.Fill.Color.a) local found = undefined for i = 1 to (btn.parent.parent.children.count-1) do ( if (btn.parent == btn.parent.parent.children.item[i]) do (found = i) ) OP_EDITOR.et01.text = fileX[found+1][8] OP_EDITOR.sp03.value = fileX[found+1][9] OP_EDITOR.et02.text = fileX[found+1][10] OP_EDITOR.sp04.value = fileX[found+1][11] OP_EDITOR.etbtn.text = fileX[found+1][12][1] OP_EDITOR.cpTxt.color = fileX[found+1][12][2] OP_EDITOR.spBtn01.value = fileX[found+1][12][3] OP_EDITOR.spBtn02.value = fileX[found+1][12][4] OP_EDITOR.spBtn03.value = fileX[found+1][12][5] )else() ) ----------------------------------------------------------functions fn OPcreateWin bgPath= ( local tokens = filterString bgPath "\\" fileX[1] = "" for i in tokens do (fileX[1] = fileX[1] + i + "\\\\") fileX[1] = replace fileX[1] (fileX[1].count-1) 2 "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ImageSource ImageSource = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage" ImageSource.BeginInit() ImageSource.UriSource = dotnetobject "System.uri" bgPath ImageSource.EndInit() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bgRec bg = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Shapes.rectangle" bg.Width = ImageSource.PixelWidth bg.Height = ImageSource.PixelHeight bg.Fill = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Media.ImageBrush" bg.Fill.ImageSource = ImageSource ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mainWin op = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Window" op.Width = ImageSource.PixelWidth op.Height = ImageSource.PixelHeight op.MaxWidth =10.0*op.Width op.MaxHeight = 10.0*op.Height op.WindowStyle = op.WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow wih = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper" op wih.owner = dotnetobject "IntPtr" (windows.getmaxhwnd()) op.Show() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Canvas cv = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Controls.Canvas" cv.Width = 1 cv.Height = 1 op.content = cv cv.Children.Add bg bg.Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (op.Width *-0.5) (op.Height*-0.5) 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Timer opTimer = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.Timer" opTimer.Interval = 50 dotnet.removeAllEventHandlers opTimer dotnet.addEventHandler opTimer "Tick" moveBTN dotNet.removeAllEventHandlers op dotNet.addEventHandler op "SizeChanged" OPresize dotNet.addEventHandler op "Closed" OPClose dotNet.addEventHandler op "MouseDown" clickBg dotNet.addEventHandler op "MouseUp" upBg ) fn OPaddBtn data win = ( if data == undefined then ( data = #(0,0,OP_EDITOR.sp01.value,OP_EDITOR.sp02.value,(OP_EDITOR.cp.color),(OP_EDITOR.ddl.selected),#(),OP_EDITOR.et01.text,OP_EDITOR.sp03.value,OP_EDITOR.et02.text,OP_EDITOR.sp04.value,#( OP_EDITOR.etbtn.text, OP_EDITOR.cpTxt.color, OP_EDITOR.spBtn01.value, OP_EDITOR.spBtn02.value, OP_EDITOR.spBtn03.value)) ) local btn if (data[6] == "box") do (btn = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle") if (data[6] == "circle") do (btn = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse") if (data[6] == "round") do ( btn = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle" btn.radiusX = (amin #( (data[3]*OPkoef), (data[4]*OPkoef))) * 0.3 btn.radiusY= (amin #( (data[3]*OPkoef), (data[4]*OPkoef))) * 0.3 ) btn.Width = data[3]*OPkoef btn.Height = data[4]*OPkoef btn.Stroke = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush" btn.Stroke.Color = btn.Stroke.Color.FromArgb 255 255 255 255 btn.StrokeThickness = 0 btn.Fill = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush" btn.Fill.Color = btn.Fill.Color.FromArgb (data[5].a) (data[5].r) (data[5].g) (data[5].b) btn.margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (btn.Width*-0.5) (btn.Height*-0.5) 0 0 local newCanvasNum = op.content.Children.Add (dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.Canvas") win.content.Children.item[newCanvasNum].margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" data[1] data[2] 0 0 win.content.Children.item[newCanvasNum].Children.add btn dotNet.removeAllEventHandlers btn dotNet.addEventHandler btn "MouseDown" clickBTN dotNet.setLifetimeControl btn #dotnet --text local txt = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock" txt.IsHitTestVisible = false txt.Text = data[12][1] txt.Foreground = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush" txt.Foreground.Color = txt.Foreground.Color.FromArgb (255) (data[12][2].r) (data[12][2].g) (data[12][2].b) txt.FontSize = data[12][3]*OPkoef win.content.Children.item[newCanvasNum].Children.add txt dotNet.setLifetimeControl txt #dotnet txt.margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" ((txt.ActualWidth * -0.5) + data[12][4]*OPkoef ) ((txt.ActualHeight * -0.5) + data[12][5]*OPkoef) 0 0 ) button selectBG "Image" pos:[0,0] width:((OP_EDITOR.width/3.0)*2) height:30 toolTip:"Select image for window background" button ScreenBG "Screen" pos:[(OP_EDITOR.width/3.0)*2,0] width:(OP_EDITOR.width/3.0) height:30 toolTip:"Get and save viewport and use it as bacground" checkbutton editBTN "EDIT" pos:[0,30] width:(OP_EDITOR.width) height:50 checked:true toolTip:"editMode ON" button addBtn "ADD" pos:[0,80] width:((OP_EDITOR.width/3.0)*2) height:50 toolTip:"add button" button remBtn "REM" pos:[(OP_EDITOR.width/3.0)*2,80] width:(OP_EDITOR.width/3.0) height:50 toolTip:"remove button" button setSel "SetSel" pos:[0,130] width:(OP_EDITOR.width) height:40 toolTip:"Set object selection as selection for picker button" colorpicker cp pos:[-2,170] width:(OP_EDITOR.width) height:30 alpha:true dropdownlist ddl "" pos:[0,200] width:(OP_EDITOR.width) items:#("box", "circle","round") spinner sp01 "btnW" pos:[10,225] range:[10,2000,50] type:#integer spinner sp02 "btnH" pos:[13,245] range:[10,2000,50] type:#integer button btnSend "sendBack" pos:[OP_EDITOR.width*.65,225] width:(OP_EDITOR.width*.3) height:35 toolTip:"send Buttons into back" edittext etbtn "Name" pos:[5,270] width:(OP_EDITOR.width*0.7) text:"" --height:18 colorpicker cpTxt pos:[OP_EDITOR.width*0.73,270] width:(OP_EDITOR.width*0.25) height:20 alpha:false color:(color 255 255 255) spinner spBtn01 "" pos:[5,300] range:[5,200,25] type:#integer width:(OP_EDITOR.width*0.3) spinner spBtn02 "" pos:[OP_EDITOR.width*0.3+10,300] range:[-2000,2000,0] type:#integer width:(OP_EDITOR.width*0.3) spinner spBtn03 "" pos:[OP_EDITOR.width*0.6+15,300] range:[-2000,2000,0] type:#integer width:(OP_EDITOR.width*0.3) checkbox chbM "Select&Move" pos:[10,OP_EDITOR.height - 200] button btnUndo "undo" pos:[OP_EDITOR.width/2,OP_EDITOR.height - 205] width:(OP_EDITOR.width/2) height:30 --visible:false edittext et01 "Xpression" pos:[5,OP_EDITOR.height - 165] width:(OP_EDITOR.width-90) height:20 labelOnTop:true text:".pos.controller.X_Position.controller" visible:false label l01 "koefX:" pos:[OP_EDITOR.width-75,OP_EDITOR.height - 165] visible:false spinner sp03 "" pos:[OP_EDITOR.width-75,OP_EDITOR.height - 145] range:[-2000,2000,0.2] type:#float labelOnTop:true width:70 visible:false edittext et02 "Ypression" pos:[5,OP_EDITOR.height - 120] width:(OP_EDITOR.width-90) height:20 labelOnTop:true text:".pos.controller.Z_Position.controller" visible:false label l02 "koefY:" pos:[OP_EDITOR.width-75,OP_EDITOR.height - 120] visible:false spinner sp04 "" pos:[OP_EDITOR.width-75,OP_EDITOR.height - 100] range:[-2000,2000,-0.2] type:#float labelOnTop:true width:70 visible:false button testX "test expressions" pos:[0,(OP_EDITOR.height - 80)] width:(OP_EDITOR.width) height:30 visible:false button saveX "save" pos:[0,(OP_EDITOR.height - 50)] width:(OP_EDITOR.width*0.5) height:50 button loadX "load" pos:[(OP_EDITOR.width *0.5),(OP_EDITOR.height - 50)] width:(OP_EDITOR.width*0.5) height:50 on OP_EDITOR open do (--on open options.PrintAllElements = true try (op.close())catch() op = undefined ) on OP_EDITOR close do (--on close ) on selectBG pressed do (--use image as bg bgPath = getOpenFileName() if bgPath != undefined then (OPcreateWin bgPath)else() ) on ScreenBG pressed do (--create screen capture as bg OPscreen = gw.getViewportDib gammaCorrect:true OPscreen.filename = getSaveFileName types:"imageFormats(*.jpg)|*.jpg" if OPscreen.filename != "" then ( save OPscreen bgPath = OPscreen.filename OPcreateWin bgPath ) close OPscreen ) on editBTN changed state do (--edit mode on addBtn.visible = state remBtn.visible = state cp.visible = state ddl.visible = state sp01.visible = state sp02.visible = state btnSend.visible = state etbtn.visible = state cpTxt.visible = state spBtn01.visible = state spBtn02.visible = state spBtn03.visible = state setSel.visible = state if chbM.state == true then ( et01.visible = state l01.visible = state sp03.visible = state et02.visible = state l02.visible = state sp04.visible = state testX.visible = state ) ) on addBtn pressed do (--add button if op != undefined then ( OPaddBtn undefined op append fileX #(0,0,sp01.value/OPkoef,sp02.value/OPkoef,(OP_EDITOR.cp.color),(OP_EDITOR.ddl.selected),#(),(OP_EDITOR.et01.text),(OP_EDITOR.sp03.value),(OP_EDITOR.et02.text),(OP_EDITOR.sp04.value),#((OP_EDITOR.etbtn.text), (OP_EDITOR.cptxt.color), (OP_EDITOR.spBtn01.value/OPkoef), (OP_EDITOR.spBtn02.value/OPkoef), (OP_EDITOR.spBtn03.value/OPkoef))) )else() ) on remBtn pressed do (--delete button if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( OPselectionIND = sort OPselectionIND for i in OPselection do (OPselection[1].parent.parent.children.remove OPselection[1].parent) for i = OPselectionIND.count to 1 by -1 do ( deleteItem fileX OPselectionIND[i] ) ) ) on cp changed c do (--button color if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( OPselection[i].fill.color= (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Media.Color").fromARGB c.a c.r c.g c.b for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][5]=c ) ) ) ) on ddl selected shape do (--button shape if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( local btn local parentX = OPselection[i].parent local txt = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock" if (ddl.items[shape] == "box") do ( btn = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle" ) if (ddl.items[shape] == "circle") do ( btn = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse" ) if (ddl.items[shape] == "round") do ( btn = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle" btn.radiusX = (amin #(OPselection[i].Width, OPselection[i].height)) * 0.3 btn.radiusY= (amin #(OPselection[i].Width, OPselection[i].height)) * 0.3 ) btn.Width = OPselection[i].Width btn.Height = OPselection[i].Height btn.Stroke = OPselection[i].Stroke btn.StrokeThickness = OPselection[i].StrokeThickness btn.Fill = OPselection[i].Fill btn.margin = OPselection[i].margin dotNet.removeAllEventHandlers OPselection[i] dotNet.addEventHandler btn "MouseDown" clickBTN txt.IsHitTestVisible = false txt.Text = parentX.children.item[1].Text txt.Foreground = parentX.children.item[1].Foreground txt.FontSize = parentX.children.item[1].FontSize txt.margin = parentX.children.item[1].margin parentX.children.add btn parentX.children.add txt parentX.children.Remove parentX.children.item[0] parentX.children.Remove parentX.children.item[0] OPselection[i] = parentX.children.item[0] fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][6] = ddl.items[shape] ) ) ) on sp01 changed val do (--button sizeX if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( OPselection[i].Width = val * OPkoef OPselection[i].margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (-OPselection[i].Width * 0.5) (-OPselection[i].Height* 0.5) 0 0 fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][3]= val try ( if OPselection[i].radiusX != 0.0 then ( OPselection[i].radiusX = (amin #(OPselection[i].Width, OPselection[i].height)) * 0.3 OPselection[i].radiusY= (amin #(OPselection[i].Width, OPselection[i].height)) * 0.3 ) )catch() ) ) ) on sp02 changed val do (--button sizeY if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( OPselection[i].Height = val * OPkoef OPselection[i].margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (-OPselection[i].Width* 0.5) (-OPselection[i].Height * 0.5) 0 0 fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][4]=val try ( if OPselection[i].radiusX != 0.0 then ( OPselection[i].radiusX = (amin #(OPselection[i].Width, OPselection[i].height)) * 0.3 OPselection[i].radiusY= (amin #(OPselection[i].Width, OPselection[i].height)) * 0.3 ) )catch() ) ) ) on btnSend pressed do (------------------------------------------------------ try ( local arrN = #() local fileXN = #() -------------------------------------------------------------create arr of all buttons append arrN (copy op.content.children.item[0]) append fileXN fileX[1] -------------------------------------------from arr take selected buttons into arrN for i = 1 to OPselectionIND.count do ( append arrN (copy op.content.children.item[OPselectionIND[i]-1]) append fileXN fileX[OPselectionIND[i]] ) sort OPselectionIND -----------------------------------------------------from arr delete selected buttons for i = OPselectionIND.count to 1 by-1 do ( op.content.children.RemoveAt(OPselectionIND[i]-1) deleteItem fileX (OPselectionIND[i]) ) -------------------------------------------------------------------all but 1 from fileX for i = 2 to op.content.children.count do ( append arrN (copy op.content.children.item[i-1]) append fileXN fileX[i] ) for i = 2 to op.content.children.count do ( op.content.children.RemoveAt(1) deleteItem fileX 2 ) op.content.children.clear() for i = 1 to arrN.count do ( op.content.children.add arrN[i] ) fileX = deepCopy fileXN free arrN free fileXN )catch() ) on etbtn changed val do (--button name if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( local bntOne = OPselection[i].parent.children.item[1] bntOne.Text = val bntOne.Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" ((bntOne.ActualWidth * -0.5) + OP_EDITOR.spBtn02.value * OPkoef ) ((bntOne.ActualHeight * -0.5) + OP_EDITOR.spBtn03.value*OPkoef) 0 0 fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][12][1]=val ) ) ) on cpTxt changed c do (--text color if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( OPselection[i].parent.children.item[1].Foreground.Color = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Media.Color").fromARGB 255 c.r c.g c.b for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][12][2]=c ) ) ) ) on spBtn01 changed val do (--button text fontsize if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( local bntOne = OPselection[i].parent.children.item[1] bntOne.FontSize = val*OPkoef bntOne.Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" ((bntOne.ActualWidth * -0.5) + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][12][4] * OPkoef ) ((bntOne.ActualHeight * -0.5) + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][12][5] * OPkoef) 0 0 fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][12][3]=val ) ) ) on spBtn02 changed val do (--button text margin x if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( local bntOne = OPselection[i].parent.children.item[1] bntOne.Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" ((bntOne.ActualWidth * -0.5) + val * OPkoef ) ((bntOne.ActualHeight * -0.5) + OP_EDITOR.spBtn03.value*OPkoef) 0 0 --OPselection[i].parent.children.item[1].margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (val * OPkoef) (OP_EDITOR.spBtn03.value * OPkoef) 0 0 fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][12][4]= val ) ) ) on spBtn03 changed val do (--button text margin y if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( local bntOne = OPselection[i].parent.children.item[1] bntOne.Margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" ((bntOne.ActualWidth * -0.5) + OP_EDITOR.spBtn02.value * OPkoef ) ((bntOne.ActualHeight * -0.5) + val*OPkoef) 0 0 --OPselection[i].parent.children.item[1].margin = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Thickness" (OP_EDITOR.spBtn02.value * OPkoef) ( val * OPkoef) 0 0 fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][12][5]= val ) ) ) on chbM changed theState do (--show/Hide for move --btnUndo.visible = theState if editBTN.state ==true then ( et01.visible = theState et02.visible = theState sp03.visible = theState sp04.visible = theState l01.visible = theState l02.visible = theState testX.visible = theState ) ) on btnUndo pressed do (--try Undo changes try ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( for j = 1 to fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7].count do ( OP_UNDO[1][1][i][j][1].value = OP_UNDO[1][2][i][j][1] OP_UNDO[1][1][i][j][2].value = OP_UNDO[1][2][i][j][2] ) ) deleteItem OP_UNDO 1 )catch() ) on setSel pressed do (--SetSelection if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7] = for i in Selection collect i.name ) ) ) on et01 changed txt do (--button XpressionX if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][8]= txt ) ) ) on sp03 changed val do (--move koeficient X if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][9]= val ) ) ) on et02 changed txt do (--button XpressionY if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][10]= txt ) ) ) on sp04 changed val do (--move koeficient Y if (OP_EDITOR.editBTN.checked) then ( for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][11]= val ) ) ) on testX pressed do (--try test and add controller to selected objects for i = 1 to OPselection.count do ( for j = 1 to fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7].count do ( try ( if (execute ("$" + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7][j] + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][8]))==undefined then ( try (execute ("$" + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7][j] + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][8] + "= Bezier_Float()"))catch(messageBox "problemCreatingXController") ) )catch(messageBox "problemX") try ( if (execute ("$" + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7][j] + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][10]))==undefined then ( try (execute ("$" + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][7][j] + fileX[OPselectionIND[i]][10] + "= Bezier_Float()"))catch(messageBox "problemCreatingYController") ) )catch(messageBox "problemY") ) ) ) on saveX pressed do (--save fileX out_name = getSaveFileName() if (out_name != undefined) then ( out_file = createfile out_name print fileX to:out_file close out_file ) ) on loadX pressed do (--load fileX and create win try ( fileX = #() fs = openFile (getOpenFileName()) while not eof fs do ( append fileX (execute (readline fs)) ) close fs OPcreateWin fileX[1] OPkoef = 1.0 for i = 2 to fileX.count do ( OPaddBtn fileX[i] op ) op.height = op.height-1 )catch() ) ) createdialog OP_EDITOR --minimize OP window --resize just after load to update text size and pos --use lesser value from height or width for round edges and roundness set on 0.3 --bigger ADD and REM --correct send back in multisellect
Additional Info:
basic script for creating object picker UI.
Version Requirement:
minimum compatible versio 3ds Max 2016