Replace "ColorCorrect" by 3ds max "Color Correction" plugin

8 votes
Date Updated: 

Future versions 3dsmax may does not have proper ColorCorrect version written in time. It might be a problem opening old scenes with ColorCorrect in new 3dsmax. The task is to ease this conversion.
OR if you just don`t like ColorCorrect plugin and wish to convert to standart Color Correction.

Replaces ColorCorrect instances with standart 3dsmax Color Correction saving this data:
- source color
- source map
- gamma
- HSV and HSL saturation values
- HSV and HSL hue values
- mono and invert switches
note: Be careful - other ColorCorrect data will be ignored.
note2: Sometimes the results are only aproximation of ColorCorrect output texture, so use manual adjustment after running this script. But in most cases works just fine. Please report about any bugs or inproper conversion.

Same filename, but added "_replaced_cc" at the end of filename.

USAGE (usual for macroscripts):
- Run script
- Now script is in category "Work_assistant". Bind a hotkey or create a button ;)
- Engage script
- enjoy :)

UPD: Some bugs fixed. Now working propertly with both HSL and HSV parameters.
Also, now it switches Color Correction map to Advanced Lightness mode automatically.
UPD2: "Mono" and "Invert" taken into consideration.

Version Requirement: 
3ds max 2011 (or lower) with colorcorrect installed
replace_cc_by_maxcc_v2_9.ms2.46 KB


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crazy1k's picture

Yes, it possible to translate

Yes, it possible to translate this. I`ll fix it today.

themaxxer's picture

this script saves me a lot of

this script saves me a lot of time. thank you very much.
one little detail should be changed... I don't know if this works, but if you enabled "mono" in colorcorrect then this is ignored in colorcorrection. is it possible to translate "mono" to "saturation -100"?

thanks a lot

best regards

bpositive's picture

Thanx a lot mate. Gonna try

Thanx a lot mate. Gonna try it out very soon :-)

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