Tagged 'Boscher'

Batch Exporter

9 votes

Slice Tool

13 votes

Snap Verts

7 votes

Snaps selected vertices to the closest vertices of the target object.
Works on Editable_Poly and Edit_Poly, at any level in any modifier stack.
Also works inside the same mesh (if you pick the same object as target object)

This is based on this script: http://visionlore.com/lab/snapverttovert.php

Custom Normals Tool

3 votes

UCX Tool

9 votes

This is a handy tool for creating UCX collisions.
It generates hulls based on your polygon or element selection and set their names and pivot points correctly.

If you have any requests or feedback, feel free to contact me to [email protected]
or in the comment section down here ;)

Update 2017/07/22:

- Added an installer in the .rar archive.

Quick Blueprint Creator

6 votes

This is my version of a blueprint maker.
Key features: drag n drop image, blueprints are always shaded even in wireframe mode.
Enjoy ;)

1 Click AO Render

3 votes

Vertex normals selector

1 vote

Stacker game

4 votes

This is a stacker game for 3DS Max that I created just for fun.
Enjoy ;)

If you have any requests or feedback, feel free to contact me on [email protected]
or in the comment section down here ;)

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