Tagged 'transform'

Copy/Paste transforms

13 votes

Copies the transforms of selected objects to a
buffer and then pastes them onto a new or existing selection.
It has the option to paste the position and/or the
and can paste it flipped around a world or custom object's
Handy for mirroring poses or animation rig components.


12 votes

This script use for morpher symmetry + video Tutorial Transform move (Left to Right) (Right to Left) 


13 votes

Rollout Interface

Randomize v3.1.ms

Randomize allows the user to generate
a randomness to objects on mass that might
otherwise look to well ordered....

Wickerfilms | Easy Pivot

3 votes

Preview for Easy Pivot


Hey whats up guys!

I'd like to present to you my new script called : "Easy Pivot"


2 votes

Simple tool created for copying position, rotation and scale transformations between objects.

Copy position, rotation or scale from one object and paste it to any other.

pX LocoRandomizer

41 votes

Randomize multiple object properties is something useful, but the randomizer I found in the internet they always randomize only position/rotation/scale.
Then I was working creating this plugin to randomize every property or parameter from multiple objects.



21 votes

A simple script I wrote for my daily work. Maybe it will be useful for someone.
Rotation and Scale transormations are restricted to "geometry" and "helper" objects to avoid any errors.

- ROTATE selected objects by selected angle in specified axis
- RESET position / rotation / scale of selected objects in selected or all axes
- ALIGN position / rotation / scale of selected objects to min / average / max in specified axes
- apply a RANDOM (with given min and max values) position / rotation / scale in specified axes to selected objects.

Nudge with Arrow Keys

7 votes

Allows movement of selected object(s) using arrow keys. This was the behavior in 3dsmax prior to version7.

Match Transform

8 votes

This script helps you to match the modifier gizmo (UVW, Slice) of selected object to the gizmo of picked object.

AndyE Tools v1.0

36 votes

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