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Creating floating dialog boxes using MaxScript

Summary: This document summarizes the steps of creating a floating dialog box using MaxScript. A simple example function is also defined.
Product(s) Release(s) Platform(s)
3D Studio MAX (TM) 2.0; 2.5 Win95, WinNT
3D Studio VIZ 2.0 Win95, WinNT
Audience: For Public Distribution - Global
Related documents: None
Document: US-XT-TD805486.DOC Revision: A
Creation date: October 7, 1998 Last revised: October 20, 1998  Expires: October 31, 1999

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Table of Contents


MaxScript routines can be executed from rollouts in the Utilities panel of the Command Panel, yet it is more convenient to access MaxScripts that are used often or ones that require a lot of user interaction from a floating dialog box. This document explains how to create a basic floating dialog box that executes a simple function.

Note: This document does not explain function definition or the MaxScript language in general. Its focus is the basic interface design of floating dialog boxes.

Components of the floating dialog box

The basic components of a floating dialog box are:

Note: For more information about the types of controls for dialog boxes, see the MaxScript Reference (Help > MaxScript Reference). Search under the index tab, for "rollout floater windows" or for "rollout user-interface items."

Creating a floating dialog box

Script Layout Description

Each section of the script is explained. The description of the code follows each section of code.
resetMaxFile #noPrompt

This resets the current session without further prompting to ensure a new start. This option can be commented.

Tip: "Commenting" is a method of including text in code that the program ignores. This is useful for commenting on lines of the code as you write it and for disabling parts of a routine without deleting the code. In MaxScript, the comment symbol is two dashes [ -- ]. Whatever follows the two dashes is ignored by MaxScript as it evaluates that line of code. Comments only last for one line of code. You will see many comments in MaxScripts; they are the programmer’s notes to you. In this example you could type [-- resetMaxFile #noPrompt] to "comment out" the reset command.
fn Stretcher arg = 
addModifier arg (stretch stretch:0.0)
animate on
    at time 0 (arg.stretch.stretch = 0.0; arg.stretch.amplify = 0.0)
    at time 50 (arg.stretch.stretch = -1.0; arg.stretch.amplify = -20.0)
    at time 100 (arg.stretch.stretch = 0.0; arg.stretch.amplify = 0.0)

This is a function definition section. For a function to be available to all the rollouts in a dialog, it should be defined at the head of the script. If the function is only necessary for a local rollout, then it can be defined within that rollout. This function squashes the sphere using the STRETCH modifier.
FirstDialog = newRolloutFloater "Acme Flying Logo Dialog" 200 175

This is where the dialog is defined. The subsequent rollouts will be a part of this floating dialog.
rollout FirstRollout "This is the first section:"
    button btn_one "Create Sphere" \
        tooltip: "Press this button to create a sphere" \
    pickbutton btn_two "Squash Object" \
        tooltip: "Press this button to add the Stretch modifier" \
        enabled:false \
    on btn_one pressed do
        s = sphere radius:50 recenter:true
        btn_two.enabled = true
        btn_one.enabled = false
    on btn_two picked obj do
        Stretcher obj
        btn_two.text =
        btn_two.enabled = false

In the first rollout the buttons are defined, then the event handlers for those buttons get defined. Note that the user interface event handlers – what happens when the button is pressed – can either define an action (as in btn_one) or call a function (as in btn_two). Also note that the state of the buttons are interdependent. If feasible, it is a good idea to leave buttons disabled until they are needed. The tooltip property of the buttons is optional, but useful for users familiarizing themselves with your script.
rollout SecondRollout "This is the second section:"
    button go_away "Close"
        tooltip: "This will close your Floating Dialogorama" \
    on go_away pressed do
        closeRolloutFloater FirstDialog

This is the second rollout. It closes the dialog box.
addrollout FirstRollout FirstDialog
addrollout SecondRollout FirstDialog

These commands add the rollouts to the floating dialog box.

Note: For more information about the design interface, see the MaxScript Reference (Help > MaxScript Reference). In the Index tab, search for "layout parameters."
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