
MaxScript Release 5.0 Source (11/06/2010)

Copyright (c) 1998-2010 by Borislav Petrov. 


DeleteDoubleFaces is a short utility that lets you check for double faces
(faces sharing 3 identical vertices) and remove them.
The MAX's own built-in STL-check modifier detects DoubleFaces,
but selects both the correct and the wrong face for some strange reason (bug?).


DDF compares every single face in a mesh with all other faces to detect redundancy. It lets you extract the wrong faces to a new mesh, select+delete the faces in the Modifier Stack, or remove the faces permanently from the EditableMesh.


Version 5.0  (11/06/2010)

This version removes support for MAX 2 and 3 and the Quick Check option, but accelerates the overall performance significantly.
Note that the script is now a MacroScript with a floating dialog - evaluate and customize from "Bobo_s Tools" category.
Tested in 3ds Max 2010.

Version 4.0  (06/28/2001)

This version includes a fix for MAX 4. No other changes, should work in R3 and earlier, too.

Version 3.4  (8/10/2000)

This version includes explicit check for MAX version.
Version 3.3 relied on an error trapping code and failed to work with MAX 3 correctly.

Version 3.3 (10/29/99)

This version makes DDF compatible with 3D Studio MAX R3.
The same version remains compatible with R2.x, but I encourage
R2.x users to keep on using version 3.01
No new functions have been implemented.

Version 3.01  (11/10/98)



  • Thanks to Kouros Moghaddam for the idea.
  • SPECIAL thanks to John Jordan for the bug report!
  • Thanks to August Johnston for forcing the Batch Mode idea ;o)


    Version 5.0 Source (3ds Max 4 and higher) - updated using 3ds Max 2010.

    Version 4.0 Source (R4.x)

    Version 3.4 Source (R3.x)

    Version 3.01 Source (R2.x)