Last Updated: 2008/12/22
Copyright © 2006-2008 by Borislav "Bobo" Petrov.

Next Please (NP! for short) introduces a new approach to context-sensitive scene navigation and object selection in 3ds Max.
In particular, it allows for fast and intuitive cycling through similar objects and sub-objects with simple keyboard shortcuts.

It has been tested in 3ds Max 9, 3ds Max 2008 and 3ds Max 2009+ and might be compatible with earlier versions.

Next Please! is an advanced but simple to use scene navigation tool.

Other than the typical list-based selection methods like the Select By Name dialog, Selection Floater, Scene Explorer and TrackView, NP! allows you to quickly cycle through sets of similar objects with only two commands - Previous and Next - which can be assigned to two keyboard shortcuts, for example the Left and Right Arrow keys.

In addition, a small floating dialog provides controls over the type of objects to navigate through and options like sorting, hidden and frozen objects filtering, zooming at the selected object and so on. It also shows a drop-down list with the current and all other objects in the set to cycle through allowing the direct selection of any of them, or the selection of all of them at once.

Video 1: In the first Camtasia video, you will get a first look at NP! and see how you can navigate objects by Class, Category, Modifier and using the Automatic mode: Video 2: The second Camtasia video demonstrates the use of the Material modes to select objects using no material, a specific Material Class and the same (shared) material:
Video 3: The third Camtasia video shows the basic Object Name and Layer selection modes. Note that the Object Name mode has been extended in v0.81 beyond the features shown in the video: Video 4: The fourth Camtasia video shows the abilities of NP! to select objects based on their location in a hierarchy, including Helpers in a Spline IK Chain, children of the same parent and children at the same hierarchy depth:

Video 5: The fifth Camtasia video shows the Sub-Object selection abilities of NP! when used with Editable Mesh, Editable Poly, Editable Spline, Mesh Select and Edit Mesh modifiers:

Video 6: The sixth Camtasia video demonstrates the additional options of NP! including various sorting modes, focusing on selected objects, switching of camera views and creating undo records for the selection:

NP! consists of one .MS source file defining all global functionality and the UI elements like the floating dialog and the MacroScript ActionItems for assigning to keyboard shortcuts or placing on toolbars and menus, as well as four .BMP icon files which are optional and provide colorful icons for the toolbar buttons.

The .MS file should be copied into the \Scripts\Startup folder or any Plugin folder defined in the external paths of 3ds Max.
The .BMP files should be copied into the \UI\Usericons folder of 3ds Max either in the User's Local Settings or the 3ds Max installation folder, depending on the 3ds Max installation setup.

After launching 3ds Max, the Category "Next Please" should appear in the Customize User Interface dialog.
You can assign the MacroScripts to keyboard shortcuts and/or place them in toolbars or menus according to your preferences.

The following shortcuts are recommended:

  • Left Arrow = Previous Object
  • Right Arrow = Next Object
  • SHIFT+Left Arrow = Previous Mode
  • SHIFT+Right Arrow = Next Mode
  • Down Arrow = Next Please Dialog
  • SHIFT+Down Arrow = Toggle Automatic Mode
NP! provides a large number of manual cycling modes, but its default and special override mode is Automatic.
In this special mode, the tool will try to figure out the most probable mode the user wants to employ based on the current selection. For example, if the user has entered a supported sub-object mode in an Editable Mesh, Editable Poly or Editable Spline and the Next or Previous commands are invoked, NP! will automatically cycle through the sub-object selection. If a helper object like a Point is selected, NP! will cycle through all other Point Helpers in the scene and so on.

Note that Automatic is not a regular mode, but an override. This means that you can TOGGLE the Automatic mode on and off to switch to it or back to your last User Mode! For example, if the User Mode is set to Layer and you toggle on Automatic mode, the Layer Mode will be suppressed, but toggling Automatic mode off will go back to Layer mode immediately!

To switch a user mode, you can either

  • open the Next Please Floating Dialog and use the Menu>Mode to select one of the available options which are sorted from the most specific to the least specific one.
  • Use the Next / Previous Mode keyboard shortcuts (see above) or buttons to cycle to the desired mode - its name will be shown in the prompt of 3ds Max.

To toggle the Automatic mode, you can either

  • open the Next Please Floating Dialog and use the Menu>Mode to toggle the Automatic option which is on top of the menu.
  • use the Toggle Automatic Mode keyboard shortcut (see above) to toggle directly between Automatic and the last User Mode.

Note that switching to a User Mode will toggle the Automatic mode off. Check Automatic again to exit the User Mode.

Below are the supported modes, from the most general to the most specific one:
Scene Object
This least specific mode cycles through all scene objects regardless of their class and super-class (category).
If the Include Hidden Objects option is checked under Menu>Options, this mode will visit every scene object found.
If the Sort Alphabetically option is checked under Menu>Options, the cycling will be performed in alphabetical order.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it.
  • If more than one objects are selected, the cycling will start from the first resp. last object in the selection, depending on the cycling direction.
  • If no objects are selected, the cycling will start from the first resp. last object depending on the cycling direction.
Explicit Category
This mode cycles through scene objects of the Category specified by the user.

The list of Categories includes

  • Geometry - any Geometry objects including primitives like Box and Sphere, Editable Meshes, Editable Poly, Patches and NURBS.
  • Shapes - any Shape objects including Line, EditableSpline, Rectangle, Circle, Helix etc.
  • Lights - any Light objects including Photometric, Omni, Spot, VRay and Brazil lights etc.
  • Cameras - any Camera objects including Free, Target, VRay, Brazil etc. cameras.
  • Helpers - any Helper objects incl. Dummy, Point, Tape etc.
  • SpaceWarps - any Space Warp objects like Gravity, Wind, Deflectior etc.
  • Particle Systems  - most particle system including legacy Max particles, PFlow and Thinking Particles.
  • Bones - any object with the Bone property enabled.

thus matching the Hide By Category controls in 3ds Max.

  • If no objects are selected, the cycling will start with the first object in the scene found to match the Category (if any).
  • If exactly one object is selected and it matches the specified Category, the cycling will start from it. If it does not match the Category, the cycling will still be performed as if no object was selected.
  • If more than one objects are selected, the cycling will start from the first resp, last object in the selection, depending on the cycling direction, even if none of the selected objects matches the Category. In that case, the cycling will be performed as of no objects were previously selected.
Object Category
This mode cycles through scene objects of the same Category (like Geometry, Helpers, Lights, Cameras etc.) based on the category of the selected object. For example, if a Point helper is selected, activating the Next or Previous actions will cycle through any other Helper objects including Dummies, Particle Flow operators, Tape Helpers and so on.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and will determine the Category to cycle through. It is recommended to select exactly one object before using NP! in this mode.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start from the first resp, last object in the selection, depending on the cycling direction. The SuperClass of that object will determine the Category to cycle through.
  • If no objects are selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
Object Class
This even more specific mode cycles through all scene objects of the same Class. For example, if the scene contains 10 boxes, 20 spheres and 30 Dummies, selecting one box and activating the Next or Previous actions will cycle through only the 10 boxes. Selecting a sphere first will enable navigation through only the spheres and so on.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and will determine the Class to cycle through.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start from the first resp, last object in the selection, depending on the cycling direction. The Class of that object will determine the Class to cycle through.
  • If no objects are selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
Object Name
This mode cycles through objects based on a common name. It removes the digits from the end of the name and cycles through the objects that share the same base name, for example Teapot01, Teapot42, Teapot101 and so on.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start from the first resp. last object in the selection, depending on the cycling direction.
  • If no objects are selected, an error will be displayed since there is no way to guess the name the user wants to start with.
This mode cycles through objects based on their layer. It finds the layer of the current object and selects other objects on the same layer.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and its layer will be used to collect the list of objects to cycle through.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start from the first resp. last object in the selection, depending on the cycling direction.
  • If no objects are selected, an error will be displayed since there is no way to guess the layer the user wants to cycle through.
Material Class
This mode cycles through all scene objects sharing the same top-level Material Class. For example, if the scene contains 10 boxes and 5 of them have been assigned 5 different Standard Materials and the other 5 have been assigned a single Matte Material, selecting a box with a Standard Material and activating the Next/Previous commands will cycle through the five boxes with Standard Materials assigned. Selecting a box with a Matte Material will cycle through the 5 boxes with Matte Material assigned.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and will determine the Material Class to cycle by.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start from the first object selected. The Class of that object's material will determine the Material Class to cycle by.
  • If no objects are selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
Shared Material
This mode cycles through all scene objects sharing the same top-level Material. For example, if the scene contains 10 boxes and 5 of them have been assigned 5 different Standard Materials and the other 5 have been assigned a single Matte Material, selecting a box with a Standard Material and activating the Next/Previous commands will NOT cycle at all because the box has a unique material, but selecting a box with a Matte Material will cycle through the 5 boxes with the SAME Matte Material assigned.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and will determine the Material instance to cycle by.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start from the first object selected. The material assigned to that object will determine the Material instance to cycle by.
  • If no objects are selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
Base Object Property (v0.81)
This mode cycles through all scene objects using a Base Object with a given property. A Base Object Property Name Pattern has to be entered and enabled via the Names menu to search by ANY pattern using wild cards. The default pattern is * which will select objects with ANY base object that has at least one property.

Note that the base object will become the current level in Stack View as you cycle, allowing for fast tweaks to the base object's properties. The Modify Panel MUST be active when using this mode.

Base Object Class
This mode cycles through all scene objects sharing the same Base Object Class. For example, if the scene contains 10 Box primitives and five of them have a MeshSelect modifier applied (which turns their modifier stack result to Editable Mesh), selecting one box and activating the Next/Previous commands will cycle through ALL 10 boxes because they share the same base object class (Box).

Note that if the Modify Panel is open, the base object will become the current level in Stack View as you cycle, allowing you fast tweaks to the base object level of scene objects with many modifiers.

Also note that the Modify Panel does NOT have to be open for this mode to function.

  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and its base object will determine the Base Object Class to cycle by.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start from the first object selected. The Base Object Class of that object will determine the Base Object Class to cycle by.
  • If no objects are selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
Base Object Instance
This mode cycles through all scene objects sharing the same Base Object as Instance. For example, if you would create one Box primitive, clone it 5 times as Copy and 5 more as Instance and select one of the Instanced boxes, activating the Next/Previous commands will cycle only through the 6 instanced base objects but will ignore the copies.

Note that if the Modify Panel is open, the base object will become the current level in Stack View as you cycle, allowing you fast tweaks to the base object level of scene objects with many modifiers.

Also note that the Modify Panel does NOT have to be open for this mode to function.

  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and its base object will determine the Base Object Instance to cycle by.
  • If more than one objects are selected, the cycling will start from the first object selected. The Base Object of that object will determine the Base Object Instance to cycle by.
  • If no object is selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
  • If the base object of the first selected object does not have any instances in the scene, the object will remain selected and no cycling will occur, except for the Base Object becoming active in the Modifier Stack if Modify Panel is open and there are modifiers on the object.
Modifier Property (v0.81)
This mode cycles through all scene objects using a Modifier with a given property. A Modifier Property Name Pattern has to be entered and enabled via the Names menu to search by ANY pattern using wild cards. The default pattern is * which will select objects with ANY modifier that has at least one property.

Note that the modifier in question will become the current level in Stack View as you cycle, allowing for fast tweaks to the modifier's properties. The Modify Panel MUST be active when using this mode.

Modifier Name (v0.81)
This mode cycles through all scene objects using a Modifier with a given name. By default, the name of the currently selected modifier will be used to find any other objects using EXACTLY the same name. Optionally, a Custom Modifier Name Pattern can be entered and enabled via the Names menu to search by ANY pattern using wild cards.

Note that the modifier in question will become the current level in Stack View as you cycle, allowing for fast tweaks to the modifier's properties. The Modify Panel MUST be active when using this mode.

Modifier Class
This mode cycles through all scene objects sharing a Modifier of a specific Class. It is determined by the current modifier selection in the Modify Panel. For example, if you created 10 teapots and added a different Bend modifier to five one of them, selecting one teapot with a Bend, highlighting the Bend modifier on the stack and activating the Next/Previous commands will cycle through the five objects that have a Bend modifier on their stack, ignoring those without one.

Note that the modifier in question will become the current level in Stack View as you cycle, allowing you fast tweaks to the modifier's properties. The Modify Panel MUST be active when using this mode.

  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and the currently selected modifier (if any) will determine the Modifier Class to cycle by.
  • If more than one object is selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red. The message will instruct you to select a modifier on a single object.
  • If no objects are selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
Modifier Instance
This mode cycles through all scene objects sharing a Modifier Instance. It is determined by the current modifier selection in the Modify Panel. For example, if you created 10 teapots and added an instance of the same Bend modifier to five one of them and one unique Bend to each one of the other five, selecting a teapot with an instanced Bend, highlighting the Bend modifier on the stack and activating the Next/Previous commands will cycle through the five objects that have the instanced Bend modifier on their stack, ignoring those with unique ones.

Note that the modifier in question will become the current level in Stack View as you cycle, allowing you fast tweaks to the modifier's properties. The Modify Panel MUST be active when using this mode.

  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and the currently selected modifier (if any) will determine the Modifier Instance (if any) to cycle by.
  • If more than one object is selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red. The message will instruct you to select a modifier on a single object.
  • If no objects are selected, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
  • If the selected modifier is not instanced in the scene, the object and modifier will remain selected and no cycling will occur.
Hierarchy Dpeth
This mode cycles through scene objects sharing the same hierarchy tree and the same tree depth. This can be useful when selecting objects that have the same relationship to a common hierarchy root, for example symmetrical parts of a skeleton like the fingers on the two hands. Since the fingers have the same number of ancestors up the chain, it makes it possible to cycle through the left and then the right fingers in this mode, as well as any other objects with the same number of ancestors.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it. The chain of parents up the tree will be followed, then once the root is reached, all its children will be collected and those with the same tree depth will be cycled through.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start with the first selected object and its parent will determine the siblings to cycle through.
  • If no objects are selected, or the selected object does not have a parent, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
This mode cycles through all scene objects sharing the same parent. This is very useful when working on multiple objects linked to the same parent but otherwise unconnected. For example, create a Biped, set the Figure Structure to Hands with 5 fingers. Select the Hand and press PgDn to select its children (the fingers). Activating Next/Previous will cycle through the finders of the hand because they share the same hand parent object.
  • If exactly one object is selected, the cycling will start from it and its parent will determine the siblings to cycle through.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start with the first selected object and its parent will determine the siblings to cycle through.
  • If no objects are selected, or the selected object does not have a parent, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
Spline IK Helpers
This mode was in fact the main reason for the initial development of NP! It cycles through all Spline IK Helpers sharing the same Spline IK Control modifier. This is very useful when tweaking a spline using the Spline IK Helpers to position its vertices. Selecting one helper allows you to quickly move to the Next/Previous helper in the chain without having to select each one manually.
  • If exactly one helper is selected and it is dependent on a Spline IK Control, the cycling will start from it and its Spline IK Control will determine the other Spline IK helpers to cycle through.
  • If more than one object is selected, the cycling will start with the first selected object and its Spline IK Control modifier (if any) will determine the other helpers to cycle through.
  • If no objects are selected, or the selected object does not have a Spline IK Control Modifier referencing it, an error message will be shown in the 3ds Max prompt line and/or the NP! feedback field and the status lamp in the NP! dialog will turn red.
This mode depends on the current Sub-Object mode and selection and is not fully implemented for all possible cases.

Currently, it supports the following objects, modifiers and SO levels:


  • Vertex Selection - cycles through the vertices of the current Spline in the Shape. If the Shape contains contains multiple Splines, the cycling remains in the Spline unless you select a vertex in another Spline manually.
  • Segment Selection - cycles through the segments of the current Spline in the Shape. If the Shape contains contains multiple Splines, the cycling remains in the Spline unless you select a segment in another Spline manually.
  • Spline Selection - cycles through the Splines in the Shape (if more than one). If the Shape contains contains only one Spline, no cycling will occur.


  • Vertex Selection - cycles through the vertices of the base object level Editable Mesh, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected vertex depending on the cycling direction.
  • Edge Selection - cycles through the edges of the base object level Editable Mesh, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected edge depending on the cycling direction.
  • Face Selection - cycles through the faces of the base object level Editable Mesh, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected face depending on the cycling direction.
  • Polygon Selection - cycles through the polygons (face groups with hidden edges between them) of the base object level Editable Mesh, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected face depending on the cycling direction. NOTE that due to the way the polygons are calculated, some polygons might get skipped. Use EditablePoly Polygons instead if you need full cycling.
  • Element Selection  - cycles through the elements (connected groups of polygons) of the base object level Editable Mesh, starting with the currently selected one.

EditMesh/MeshSelect Modifiers

  • Vertex Selection - cycles through the vertices of the modifier, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected vertex depending on the cycling direction.
  • Edge Selection - cycles through the edges of the modifier, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected edge depending on the cycling direction.
  • Face/Polygon/Element Selection - all three modes cycle through the faces of the modifier, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected face depending on the cycling direction.


  • Vertex Selection - cycles through the vertices of the base object level Editable Poly, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected vertex depending on the cycling direction.
  • Edge Selection - cycles through the edges of the base object level Editable Poly, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected edge depending on the cycling direction.
  • Border Selection - currently not supported.
  • Polygon Selection - cycles through the polygons of the base object level Editable Poly, starting with the currently selected one. If more than one is selected, the cycling begins with the first or last selected face depending on the cycling direction. 
  • Element Selection  - cycles through the elements (connected groups of polygons) of the base object level Editable Poly, starting with the currently selected one.

EditPoly Modifier

  • This modifier is not supported yet!


This override mode combines most of the above methods in a smart navigation system which evaluates the current selection and tries to figure out the most probable command, starting with the most specific modes. For example, if a Helper is selected and it is references by a Spline IK Control modifier, the Spline IK mode will be preferred to the Point BaseObject Class mode due to its higher priority, although both are applicable. If an object is selected and the Modify panel is open and the base object is highlighted, the Automatic mode will use the Base Object Class mode. If the command panel is switched away from the Modify mode, the Automatic mode would revert back to Object Class mode and so on.
NP! provides a drop-down list in the floating dialog showing the current and all selection candidates determined by the previous Previous/Next operation. The list can be used to select directly ANY of the objects instead of cycling through the list. The order of the objects on the list will respect any sorting options like Alphabetical Sort etc.
To collect all selection candidates without actually cycling through the list, you can press the Update! item in the floating dialog's menu. This will perform the same calculations as using the Previous/Next operations without advancing the selection, and as a side effect will also populate the Selection Drop-Down List (see above)
To select all selection candidates on the list, you can press the Select All! item in the floating dialog's menu.
NAMES (v0.81)
New in v0.81 is the Names menu which provides control over the pattern matching in several modes.
All these options are currently NOT sticky!
  • Use Automatic Object Name Pattern - when checked, the Object Name mode will build the name pattern automatically from the base object name of the current selection as in v0.8.
  • Use Custom Object Name Pattern - when checked, a custom pattern entered by the user will be used. The pattern can be edited in the text field at the bottom of the NP! dialog as described below.
  • Use Automatic Modifier Name Pattern - when checked, the Current Modifier's Name will be used to find other objects using EXACTLY the same name.
  • Use Custom Modifier Name Pattern - when checked, a custom pattern entered by the user will be used. The pattern can be edited in the text field at the bottom of the NP! dialog as described below.
  • Case-Sensitive Pattern - when checked, the Object and Modifier Name pattern matching will use Case-Sensitive comparison. When unchecked, the pattern matching will ignore the case of the names. This does NOT apply to Base Object and Modifier Property search!
  • Edit Custom Object Name Pattern... - select this option to start editing the Custom Pattern to use in Object Name mode. Press ENTER to finish the editing - the Mode will be switched to Object Name and the Names pattern matching will be switched to use the custom pattern. Note that you have to enter any wild cards manually, no additional * will be added to the pattern when searching. If you delete all text, * will be assumed automatically.
  • Edit Custom Modifier Name Pattern... - select this option to start editing the Custom Pattern to use in Modifier Name mode. Press ENTER to finish the editing - the Mode will be switched to Modifier Name and the Names pattern matching will be switched to use the custom pattern. Note that you have to enter any wild cards manually, no additional * will be added to the pattern when searching. If you delete all text, * will be assumed automatically.
  • Edit Modifier Property Name Pattern... - select this option to start editing the Custom Pattern to use in Modifier Property mode. Press ENTER to finish the editing - the Mode will be switched to Modifier Property. Note that you have to enter any wild cards manually, no additional * will be added to the pattern when searching. If you delete all text, * will be assumed automatically.
  • Edit Base Object Property Name Pattern... - select this option to start editing the Custom Pattern to use in Base Object Property mode. Press ENTER to finish the editing - the Mode will be switched to Base Object Property. Note that you have to enter any wild cards manually, no additional * will be added to the pattern when searching. If you delete all text, * will be assumed automatically.
NP! provides several options accessible only through the floating dialog's menu bar to enhance the selection process - Sorting, Filtering and Focus controls. All these options are sticky between sessions thanks to an .INI file.
  • No Sorting - when checked, the selection candidates will be cycled according to their order in the scene database, which is usually their creation order.
  • Sort Alphabetically - when checked, the selection candidates will be sorted alphabetically first.
  • Sort By Mouse Pointer Distance - the selection candidates will be sorted based on their distance to the mouse pointer in screen space. The Next command will select objects farther and farther from the mouse pointer, the Previous command will select objects closer and closer. Changing the mouse pointer will update the next selection command's context dynamically.
  • Sort By Screen Center Distance - the selection candidates will be sorted based on their distance to the center of the viewport. The Next command will select objects farther and farther from the view center, the Previous command will select objects closer and closer.
  • Sort By View Point Distance - the selection candidates will be sorted based on their distance in 3D world space from the viewer's position. Next command will select objects farther and farther from the view point, the Previous command will select objects closer and closer.
  • Sort By World Origin Distance - the selection candidates will be sorted based on their distance in 3D world space from the world's origin. Next command will select objects farther and farther from the origin, the Previous command will select objects closer and closer.
  • Sort By World Bounding Box Size - the selection candidates will be sorted based on length of their world-oriented bounding box diagonal which is an approximation of the object's size. The Next command will cycle in descending order from the larger to the smaller objects, the Previous command will move in ascending order. NOTE that this sorting mode is about an order of magnitude slower than most other sorting modes and should not be used on large scenes.
  • Include Hidden Objects - when checked, hidden objects will be considered and selected. Such objects will remain invisible in the viewports, but their modifier stack will be available for editing.
  • Include Frozen Objects - when checked, frozen objects will be considered and selected. 3ds Max does not allow the selecting of frozen objects with the mouse, but MAXScript and NP! in particular can ignore this.
Selection Focus
  • Zoom Extents Selected - when checked and if the viewport is not a camera view, the current viewport will be zoomed at the selected object. If the viewport is a camera view and Allow Viewport Switching is also checked, the view will first be switched to Perspective mode, then it will be zoomed at the selected object.
  • Allow Viewport Switching - when checked and if the selected object is a camera, the current viewport will be set to that camera, thus allowing the cycling of cameras in a viewport.
  • Create Undo Records - when checked, the Next Please commands will create Undo records. When unchecked, no undo records will be created for the selection operations.
DOWNLOAD NEXTPLEASE 0.81  (Last Update: 2008/12/22)
This Beta software is Work In Progress and might not be usable for production purposes yet.
Please report bugs to [email protected]
Copyright © 2006-2008 by Borislav "Bobo" Petrov.