
--PROPERTIES OF dotNetObject:System.Drawing.RectangleDefault / Value
.Bottom : , read-only0
.Height : 0
.IsEmpty : , read-onlytrue
.Left : , read-only0
.Location : dotNetObject:System.Drawing.Point
.Right : , read-only0
.Size : dotNetObject:System.Drawing.Size
.Top : , read-only0
.Width : 0
.X : 0
.Y : 0
.Empty : , read-only, staticdotNetObject:System.Drawing.Rectangle
--METHODS OF dotNetObject:System.Drawing.Rectangle
.[static]Ceiling value
.Contains rect
.Contains pt
.Contains x y
.Equals obj
.[static]Equals objA objB
.[static]FromLTRB left top right bottom
.Inflate size
.Inflate width height
.[static]Inflate rect x y
.Intersect rect
.[static]Intersect a b
.IntersectsWith rect
.Offset pos
.Offset x y
.[static]ReferenceEquals objA objB
.[static]Round value
.[static]Truncate value
.[static]Union a b
--EVENTS OF dotNetObject:System.Drawing.Rectangle