
--PROPERTIES OF dotNetObject:System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarDefault / Value
.AlgorithmType : , read-onlydotNetObject:System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType
.CalendarType : dotNetObject:System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes
.Eras : , read-only#(1)
.IsReadOnly : , read-onlytrue
.MaxSupportedDateTime : , read-onlydotNetObject:System.DateTime
.MinSupportedDateTime : , read-onlydotNetObject:System.DateTime
.TwoDigitYearMax : 2029
.ADEra : , read-only, static1
.CurrentEra : , read-only, static0
--METHODS OF dotNetObject:System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar
.AddDays time days
.AddHours time hours
.AddMilliseconds time milliseconds
.AddMinutes time minutes
.AddMonths time months
.AddSeconds time seconds
.AddWeeks time weeks
.AddYears time years
.Equals obj
.[static]Equals objA objB
.GetDayOfMonth time
.GetDayOfWeek time
.GetDayOfYear time
.GetDaysInMonth year month
.GetDaysInMonth year month era
.GetDaysInYear year
.GetDaysInYear year era
.GetEra time
.GetHour time
.GetLeapMonth year
.GetLeapMonth year era
.GetMilliseconds time
.GetMinute time
.GetMonth time
.GetMonthsInYear year
.GetMonthsInYear year era
.GetSecond time
.GetWeekOfYear time rule firstDayOfWeek
.GetYear time
.IsLeapDay year month day
.IsLeapDay year month day era
.IsLeapMonth year month
.IsLeapMonth year month era
.IsLeapYear year
.IsLeapYear year era
.[static]ReadOnly calendar
.[static]ReferenceEquals objA objB
.ToDateTime year month day hour minute second millisecond
.ToDateTime year month day hour minute second millisecond era
.ToFourDigitYear year
--EVENTS OF dotNetObject:System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar