
--PROPERTIES OF dotNetObject:System.Windows.Forms.DomainUpDown+DomainUpDownItemCollectionDefault / Value
.Capacity : 0
.Count : , read-only0
.IsFixedSize : , read-onlyfalse
.IsReadOnly : , read-onlyfalse
.IsSynchronized : , read-onlyfalse
.Item[index] : undefined
.SyncRoot : , read-onlydotNetObject:System.Object
--METHODS OF dotNetObject:System.Windows.Forms.DomainUpDown+DomainUpDownItemCollection
.[static]Adapter list
.Add item
.AddRange c
.BinarySearch value
.BinarySearch value comparer
.BinarySearch index count value comparer
.Contains item
.CopyTo array
.CopyTo array arrayIndex
.CopyTo index array arrayIndex count
.Equals obj
.[static]Equals objA objB
.[static]FixedSize list
.[static]FixedSize list
.GetEnumerator index count
.GetRange index count
.IndexOf value
.IndexOf value startIndex
.IndexOf value startIndex count
.Insert index item
.InsertRange index c
.LastIndexOf value
.LastIndexOf value startIndex
.LastIndexOf value startIndex count
.[static]ReadOnly list
.[static]ReadOnly list
.[static]ReferenceEquals objA objB
.Remove item
.RemoveAt item
.RemoveRange index count
.[static]Repeat value count
.Reverse index count
.SetRange index c
.Sort comparer
.Sort index count comparer
.[static]Synchronized list
.[static]Synchronized list
.ToArray type
--EVENTS OF dotNetObject:System.Windows.Forms.DomainUpDown+DomainUpDownItemCollection