Q: I need some information about the speed control between 3ds4 and other programs, such as Adobe Premiere or any similar video editor. When you are making an animation you can set the speed of the frames in a value between 1 & 30 ( I tink ) but, Will this be saved somewhwre in the flic file ? I mean, will other programs take this information from the file or not ?

A: 3DS saves the Flics with the default speed of 5 jiffies (5/70 sec) between each two frames. This has nothing to do with programs like Premiere, it applies only to Flic Players, because the latter are RealTime Playback Progs, and Premiere is frame based. In general, 30 frames per second are calculated for NTSC and 25 for PAL. When you import a flic into Premiere, each frame of the flic will map to a single frame of the movie and will play back according to the timebase settings of Premiere (PAL or NTSC, or any other framerate you select).

This means that the speed information of a flic has no impact on Video editing, it just slows the realtime playback a bit (since some computers can maintain over 50 fps with a FLI file, you will need some delays between the frames!) When you calculate the speed of a video, you should count the desired framerate as one second.