To Install: 1- Extract the file, you'll see a .mzp file named: lights_switch_v2.0.mzp 2- Drag the mzp file into Max's viewport. A window will show up telling you the script is installed 3- Go to Customize menu, Customize User Interface, Toolbars tab, in the Category look for MiRi-Tools category 4- Click New... to create a new toolbar, name it as you like, presse Ok, Drag the script named lights_switch to the new toolbar button. Now you can place it on the main toolbar. To Use: Click the script button, and all lights that are ON will be OFF. If you click the script and all the lights are OFF, the script will turn them all ON. Note: if dragging the mzp is not allowed by 3DS Max, then you need to right-click Max's shortcut, Properties, Advanced..., and uncheck Run as administrator. What's new in V2.0 -I received a mail from a user with an attached file containing a collection of Corona lights, Where the script turned everything OFF as it should, but for some reason the script failed to turn them ON again, After inspecting the script that problem/bug was fixed. The script can be used freely for personal and commercial projects. The script is created by: Miled Rizk e-mail: YouTube channel: