dotnet button visible

Hi everyone

I'm trying to toggle the visibility of a dotnet button inside a maxscript dialog, but I don't find how to get it work so far...

her's my code for now:

try (destroyDialog TestRoll) catch()
Rollout TestRoll "TestRoll"
dotNetControl Btn1 "" width:50 height:50 pos:[5,5]
button Btn2 "toggle visible"
on testRoll open do
	local logoImg = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" @"C:\bitmap.jpg"
	Btn1.image = logoImg
	Btn1.Visible = false
on Btn2 pressed do mmBtn1.Visible = true 
createDialog TestRoll style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)

So for me the dotnet button should not be visible while the dialog open and should appears when I clic on btn2.
However when the dialog open, Btn1 is white and when I click on Btn2, the Btn1 shows the pictures, while I need the button to be hide or visible (with the picture)

Thanks in advance for any help


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obaida's picture

Update Rollout

You Can use this Function after changing the visibility of dotNetControls

fn refresh_ui rolout = (
	rolout.width += 1 ; rolout.width -= 1
refresh_ui TestRoll 

Thanks to Simont

but also you need to change its size coz the space will still occupied with it

	local Btns2Hide = #(Btn1)
	fn change_btn_Size orig:true = (
		if orig then (
			for i in Btns2Hide do (i.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" W H) --- restore original size (width height)
		else for i in Btns2Hide do (i.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 1 1)
SugaR's picture

Thanks for your reply

Thanks for your reply Barigazy.

I didn't understand it at first but a bit of research after... Yes it works like a charm !

A big thanks :)

barigazy's picture


Use .net panel as dotnet control and add .net button inside.
.net button must be dotnet object


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