Go up the hierarchy, get Material from Map

so I get all bitmaps in my scene using
 theBMs = getClassInstances bitmapTexture
Now looping over scene objects, I want to test if e.g. theBMs[1] is part of the material applied to the current object in the loop. Is there a way to get the material in which this bitmap is in?
I guess I could get all maps of that material and check if any of them is equal to the bitmap, but I thought maybe there is like a function to get it faster e.g. getParent theBMs[1] or sth. like that...



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br0t's picture

Well, so be it :[

Well, so be it :[

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

Anubis's picture

Well, am also want to has

Well, am also want to has such function but unfortunately we are forced to do this in a hard way.

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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