Hold the button and an action

I am looking for a way to re-perform an operation by holding down a button. It is necessary that the operation is repeated many times until the end of the hold.

Is this doable? Is there any way to do this for this interface?

try(destroyDialog ::rlTest)catch()
rollout rlTest "" 
	dotnetcontrol btn_1 "Button" width:50 height:50 across:3 offset:[-13,-5]
	dotnetcontrol btn_2 "Button" width:50 height:50 align:#center offset:[1,-5]
	dotnetcontrol btn_3 "Button" width:50 height:50 offset:[5,-5]
	fn defColor r g b = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb r g b
	fn defFont fName fSize = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" fName fSize ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold))
	local C1 = defColor 100 100 100, C2 = defColor 255 255 255, C3 = defColor 150 20 20, C4 = defColor 150 180 90, Fnt = defFont "Century Gothic" 35
	on rlTest open do
		btn_1.font = Fnt
		btn_2.font = Fnt
		btn_3.font = Fnt
		btn_1.text = "\x2B78"
		btn_2.text = "\x2B76"
		btn_3.text = "\x2B71"
		btn_1.foreColor = C2; btn_1.backColor = C4
		btn_2.foreColor = C2; btn_2.backColor = C4
		btn_3.foreColor = C2; btn_3.backColor = C4
		btn_1.TextAlign = btn_1.TextAlign.MiddleCenter ; btn_1.FlatStyle = btn_1.FlatStyle.Flat
		btn_2.TextAlign = btn_2.TextAlign.MiddleCenter ; btn_2.FlatStyle = btn_2.FlatStyle.Flat
		btn_3.TextAlign = btn_3.TextAlign.MiddleCenter ; btn_3.FlatStyle = btn_3.FlatStyle.Flat
	on btn_1 MouseUp arg do(if selection.count == 1 do(undo on(move $ [25, 0, 0])))
	on btn_2 MouseUp arg do(if selection.count == 1 do(undo on(move $ [0, 25, 0])))
	on btn_3 MouseUp arg do(if selection.count == 1 do(undo on(move $ [0, 0, 25])))
createDialog rlTest 150 50

Any help appreciated.


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Swordslayer's picture


try destroyDialog ::rlTest catch()
rollout rlTest "" 
	dotNetControl btn_1 "Button" width:50 height:50 across:3 offset:[-13,-5]
	dotNetControl btn_2 "Button" width:50 height:50 align:#center offset:[1,-5]
	dotNetControl btn_3 "Button" width:50 height:50 offset:[5,-5]
	timer clock interval:100 active:off
	fn defColor r g b = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb r g b
	fn defFont fName fSize = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" fName fSize ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold))
	local C1 = defColor 100 100 100, C2 = defColor 255 255 255, C3 = defColor 150 20 20, C4 = defColor 150 180 90, Fnt = defFont "Century Gothic" 35
	local offset = [0, 0, 0]
	fn startMoving offset =
		rlTest.offset = offset
		clock.active = on
	fn stopMoving =
		clock.active = off
	on clock tick do with undo on
		move selection offset
	on rlTest open do
		btn_1.font = Fnt
		btn_2.font = Fnt
		btn_3.font = Fnt
		btn_1.text = "\x2B78"
		btn_2.text = "\x2B76"
		btn_3.text = "\x2B71"
		btn_1.foreColor = C2; btn_1.backColor = C4
		btn_2.foreColor = C2; btn_2.backColor = C4
		btn_3.foreColor = C2; btn_3.backColor = C4
		btn_1.TextAlign = btn_1.TextAlign.MiddleCenter ; btn_1.FlatStyle = btn_1.FlatStyle.Flat
		btn_2.TextAlign = btn_2.TextAlign.MiddleCenter ; btn_2.FlatStyle = btn_2.FlatStyle.Flat
		btn_3.TextAlign = btn_3.TextAlign.MiddleCenter ; btn_3.FlatStyle = btn_3.FlatStyle.Flat
	on btn_1 MouseDown arg do if selection.count == 1 do startMoving [25, 0, 0]
	on btn_1 MouseUp arg do stopMoving()
	on btn_2 MouseDown arg do if selection.count == 1 do startMoving [0, 25, 0]
	on btn_2 MouseUp arg do stopMoving()
	on btn_3 MouseDown arg do if selection.count == 1 do startMoving [0, 0, 25]
	on btn_3 MouseUp arg do stopMoving()
createDialog rlTest 150 50
Igryl9l's picture


Amazing! Thank you very much for your help!

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