Visual Maxscript and Attibute Editor

Hi all.

I have a problem beacause I'm not a pro in scripting and I need to create a little windows dialog in the Visual MAXScript. In this windows I have a slider and I must to connect this slider with an attribute holder wich control a dummy by a wire parameter. I'm not sure if I'm very clear ^^
So I made a little script but there is a problem and I don't know how to do.
If somebody can help me it will be really fantastic! :)

Here is my wonderfull script:

rollout unnamedRollout "Untitled" width:162 height:300
slider sld1 "Slider" pos:[8,8] width:141 height:44
on sld1 changed val do
$Circle005.modifiers[#Attribute_Holder].Custom_Attributes.Pied_Milieu = val
createdialog unnamedRollout


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barigazy's picture


Then use this script.
NOTE:As you see i have linked rollout slider with CA slider in
both way.

global testRollout
try (destroyDIalog testRollout) catch()
rollout testRollout "Untitled" width:162 height:300
	local ctrlObj
	fn filt obj = (obj.modifiers.count > 0 and (for m in obj.modifiers where == "TestMod" collect m).count == 1)
	slider sld1 "PositionZ:" pos:[5,5] width:140 height:44 range:[0,100,0] 
	pickbutton pb_node "Pick Object" width:140 height:18 filter:filt
	on pb_node picked obj do
		if obj != undefined do
			ctrlObj = obj
			pb_node.text =
			sld1.controller = ctrlObj.TestMod.testAtt.posZ.track
	on sld1 changed val do
		if ctrlObj != undefined do ctrlObj.TestMod.testAtt.posZ = val
createdialog testRollout 150 85


barigazy's picture

edit (second solution with example)

Ok.First, you need to execute this code for the scene creations.

	delete objects
	ca = attributes testAtt
		parameters params rollout:params
			posZ type:#float ui:ui_spin default:0.0 
		rollout params "Parameters"
			slider ui_spin "PositionZ: " fieldwidth:54 type:#integer range:[0,100,0]
			on ui_spin changed val do
				if testRollout != undefined and == true and testRollout.controls[2].text != "Pick Object" do
					testRollout.controls[1].value = val
	objModd = EmptyModifier name:"TestMod"
	circShape = circle radius:10
	sphObj = Sphere radius:10 pos:[100,0,0]
	custAttributes.add objModd ca
	addmodifier circShape objModd
	max modify mode
	paramWire.connect circShape.modifiers[#TestMod].testAtt[#posz] sphObj.pos.controller[#Z_Position] "posz"


klemt's picture

Sorry for my poor english

Sorry for my poor english ^^
So, to simplify my request, I made a new scene with a sphere and a circle.

The circle (Arc001) have an attribute holder. The spinner "Param1" control the sphere on Z Rotation.

How to connect the attribute "Param1" to "Slider"?
I hope it's more simple and clear ^^

barigazy's picture

If you already make wire

If you already make wire connection then this will help you

rollout unnamedRollout "Untitled" width:162 height:300
	local ctrlObj
	fn filterObj obj = isProperty obj "Attribute_Holder" and isProperty obj.Attribute_Holder.Custom_Attributes "Pied_Milieu"
	slider sld1 "Slider" pos:[5,5] width:140 height:44 range:[0,100,0] 
	pickbutton pb_node "Pick Object" width:140 height:18 filter:filterObj
	on pb_node picked obj do
		if obj != undefined do
			ctrlObj = obj
			pb_node.text =
			sld1.controller = ctrlObj.Attribute_Holder.Custom_Attributes.Pied_Milieu.track
	on sld1 changed val do
		if ctrlObj != undefined do ctrlObj.Attribute_Holder.Custom_Attributes.Pied_Milieu = val
createdialog unnamedRollout 150 85


barigazy's picture

You are not clear.Post a

You are not clear.Post a screenshot, to see whats do you need connect whit what


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