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function collectRealWorldMats savetoFile:False = (
rwMats = materialLibrary()for mat in sceneMaterialsdo(
local maps = getproperty mat "Maps"for m in maps where superclassof m == textureMap do(try(if getproperty m.coords "realWorldScale"!= undefined do(if m.coords.realWorldScale do(appendifunique rwMats mat)))catch()))if rwMats.count > 0 do(if savetoFile then (-- save these materials to C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\temp\realWorldMats.mat
local rwMatsFile = getdir #temp + "\\realWorldMats.mat"
saveTempMaterialLibrary rwMats rwMatsFile
)else(for m in rwMats doprint or simply output to listener-- select objects with these mats
objs = #(); for m in rwMats do(for o in objects where o.material == m do append objs o)
select objs
collectRealWorldMats()-- or if you want to save to realWorldMats.mat-- collectRealWorldMats savetoFile:true
Because it use sceneMaterials, the file needs to be saved before running this script. Edit: Now it uses "textureMap" instead of "BitmapTexture"
I forget that people dont use standardMaterial anymore. LOL.
Yes this works for coronaBitmap.
I change collection using object materials instead of sceneMaterials.
Will not work on any material class other than vrayMtl, CoronaMtl and standardMaterial.
function collectRealWorldMats = (
local mats = #(), rwMats = #()for o in objects where o.material != undefined do appendIfUnique mats o.material
for mat in mats do(
case classof mat of (
local maps = getproperty mat "Maps"for m in maps where superclassof m == textureMap do(if isproperty m.coords "realWorldScale" and m.coords.realWorldScale do(appendifunique rwMats mat)))
default: (for m=1 to mat.numsubs do(ifclassof mat[m] == SubAnim and superclassof(tM = mat[m].object) == textureMap do(ifclassof mat == coronaMtl and isproperty mat[m]"realWorldScale" and mat[m].realWorldScale do appendifunique rwMats mat
ifclassof mat == VrayMtl and isproperty mat[m].coords "realWorldScale" and mat[m].coords.realWorldScale do appendifunique rwMats mat
mats = collectRealWorldMats()
objs = #()for m in mats do(for o in objects where o.material == m do appendIfUnique objs o)
select objs
Because it use sceneMaterials, the file needs to be saved before running this script. Edit: Now it uses "textureMap" instead of "BitmapTexture"
Rivanoor Bren
Thank you very much!
But i got error in line 4:
-- Unknown property: "maps"
Script will run with CoronaBitmap as well?
turbosquid | behance | website
I forget that people dont use standardMaterial anymore. LOL.
Yes this works for coronaBitmap.
I change collection using object materials instead of sceneMaterials.
Will not work on any material class other than vrayMtl, CoronaMtl and standardMaterial.
Rivanoor Bren
Thanks again
Sorry for late respond but i had no time to tests
If i save scene and try to use script nothing happens:(
turbosquid | behance | website