DarkScintilla: Maxscript Editor dark scheme

42 votes

A dark color scheme for the Maxscript Editor, inspired by dark schemes available for other IDEs

As i was doing more and more max scripting lately, the urge to do something with the eye hurting Maxscript Editor colors escalated. So i sat down today and had a walkthrough on the various options Scintilla (Maxscript Editors core) provides.


Modifier Modifier Zorb

283 votes

v 2.9.03, Added property dialog filters. Save Property window position and size, Changed "coorinates" prop to "coords" to fixes Vray HDRI map

v 2.9.02: Added Octane and extra Final Render Lights to On/Off and Multiply Right click Menu

v 2.9.01: Added Multiply option to ALL modify properties window. Can now multiply existing values by a chosen value

v 2.8.03 Fixed Save preset bug (for plugins like ky_trails)

v 2.8.02 Fixed ini file bug stopping wondow for opening a 2nd time

v 2.8.00 Added Exclude text field for filtering by name. Editing Refrence targets Tab now working!!! This means you can mass edit FumeFX object settings such as speed multipliers and other FumeFX and TP properties that were previously impossible to edit!

Edit ALL modifiers, ALL objects, ALL Materials, All Controllers, ALL Shadow types and ALL atmospherics/Render Effects. Work in max from a "Class-centric" way rather than a per object way. Edit thousands of object's parameters, randomize thousands of seeds, enable thousands of modifiers and more with a few clicks!

General Features (applies to all modifiers, controllers, materails, shadows, atmos and render effects):

MASS EDIT: Mass edit one property on all nodes at once, You can specify an absolute value, a relative value, apply an absolute value to modify, or multiply a value

MASS RANDOMIZE: Randomize one property on all nodes at once

SELECT/DELETE BY CLASS: Select all objects with a meshsmooth, or all spheres or all objects with a path constraint etc

FULL INSTANCE/REFRENCE TOOLS: Make all objects/modifiers of a class or selection instances. Make Base object refrences. replace base objects with another obj (eg make all selected boxes an instance of a vrax proxie.) Available for Modifiers and Base objects only ATM.

LOAD/SAVE PRESETS: Load and save presets in xml format for modifiers, objects, etc.

Specific Features (Can be done to All or selected):

Modifiers: Enable, Disable, Enable in viewport, Disable in viewport.

PointCache Modifiers: Set ranges, Set path, Flush path, Reload, Record.

FumeFX: Simulate, Load settings

Lights: Turn all, selected, selected classes on or off. Multiply all light vlaues.

Xref Object: Merge object

Materials: Show/Hide In Viewport:  Shows the material in the viewport. Doesnt work with texture maps yet.

Bitmap Gamma: Mass edit the bitmap load gamma settings. Choose auto or an overide value. Max 2014+

Spring Controller: Modifyspring controller settings (Needs its own section as springs are controlled differently with maxscript).

Merge Xref Controller:  Merges All/Selected controllers


79 votes

Object ID and Material ID

  • Management the Material ID and Objects ID.
  • Assigning a wirecolor for objects.
  • Automated creation MultiMatteElement for V-Ray renderer.
  • Automated creation MatteRenderElement for Mental Ray renderer.
  • Automate the creation of CMasking_Mask for Corona Renderer.

EffectsChannel v1.64

  • Fixes an issue with assigning ID to sub-materials in the version 1.62

EffectsChannel v1.62

  • This version speed-up opening on complex scenes.
    The time of opening on a very big scene decreased from 16 sec to 0.094sec.

EffectsChannel v1.60

  • Adds support to Corona Renderer: Automate creation of CMasking_Mask.

Universal Material Converter

3 votes

This Universal Material Converter is an enhanced version of the old AMC script. It convert materials between renderengines. It converts from Autodesk Materials and also converts textures as much as possible when needed.
Currently supported renderengines are: MentalRay, V-Ray, iRay, Corona, Scanline, FStorm, ART, Arnold, Octane, Redshift (beta)
Coming up: Maxwellrender (maybe)

You will need at least have a demo version of the renderengines installed if you want to be able to support conversions.

Fracture Voronoi

292 votes

This script breaks any mesh while preserving its volume.


105 votes

This is a small script for completely removing all references to missing plugins from your 3ds Max scene. For more details when running the tool, make sure to also read the info printed to the MAXScript listener.

Use with care (!) and do not save the results under the same file name!

The script will replace any missing plugin object with the first usable alternative object of the same class (e.g. a missing render effect will be replaced by the first available render effect). I cannot give any guarantees this will not mess up your data, your machine or your live.

HCG Asset Browser PRO

146 votes

Ver 1.2 - Check the New Video

HCG Asset Browser now FREE!

Current version:1.3.2

Cobwebs (Modifier)

6 votes

Updated on April of 2013. There is now a new rewrite of the tool. It now is built as a modifier that supports realtime updating. Check it out on my website at jokermartini.com


Now comes with help file.

ATTENTION: Anyone who uses this script feel free to email me your renders at "jokermartini(at)hotmail(dot)com" and I'll put your renders up on my website along with the appropriate credits. Thanks

Para 3d 4.93 released.

304 votes

Para 3d Version 4.93 release date: 7-June-2017

This is an upgrade to Para 3d 4.9 and you must install Para3d 3d v4.9 prior installing the upgrade .

PowerPreview: High Quality Nitrous Previews

34 votes

This is an updated version of my PowerPreview script for Nitrous....
Here's a preview pic of the GUI and a high quality nitrous viewport showing the great quality you can achive with NitrousCool

PowerPreview for 3ds Max 2012+

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