Tagged 'converter'


2 votes



Converts Standard Max cameras into VRay Physical cameras or the other way around.

When converting to Vray camera there is the option to use either FOV for Focal-Length.




Updated UI. Fixed a bug when converting the focal length of VRay camers to FOV for standard cams the built-in function within Max was marginally off causing a mis-match between the origianl camera and the converted camera.

ID Birlestirici (ID Combiner)

0 votes

Material converter 1.xx

6 votes


Simple utility to make it easier to move scenes from a rendering engine to another. Some work have to be done in terms of materials or types of engines, but it will progress step by step. In the following table you can appreciate the possibilities of the script at this moment:

Help file explaining the whole process included with script.

UPDATED v1.24:
· Many Internal fixes

Material Converter

19 votes

M-Converter UI

I made a Material Convert that converts Arch & Design materials to Vraymtl. I created this in my free time so its a BETA script. For now M-Converter only converts Arch & Design materials to Vraymtl. I hope you guys like this script.

cHaNTool - Multi_Export_Converter_Ver2.0

1 vote


0 votes

A simple utility to convert the buffered code in the clipboard to a string that you can paste and execute in your scripts.

Useful for generating rollouts and custom attributes.

FinalToons Converter

13 votes

Convert Vray or Standard materials to finaltoon materials, also changes global lineweights and shading.

FinalRender Material Converter

20 votes

This plugin adds a single button to your Interface. When you open it you can:

+ convert Standard to FinalRender Material
+ convert FinalRender Material to Standard Material
+ Show all (diffusemap) textures in view port

Additionally you can manually reassign the slots for the texturemaps.

Corona Quick Convert (free)

1 vote

A small utility that helps you quick convert what is currently selected to Corona (light & material). In addition to the MCR version that can set a shortcut, you can use the MS versior to add to Smart Merge or other utilities that support post-script function. Currently version of the script only supports converting materials to Corona Legacy format.


Vray To Unity OneClick Converter

1 vote

Script for automatic conversion 3ds Max scene with V-ray renderer to Unity Engine (HDRP and URP).

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19XJjX2VO_rHNIj4ZDcKPlwhYR0FFi8a77FyG...

Скрипт по автоматической конвертации сцены из 3ds Max V-ray в Unity (HDRP и URP)

Документация на русском : https://docs.google.com/document/d/122-TyKZj-STQIXhajocWSvXzTZeeRxgscq3P...

https://u3d.gumroad.com/l/3dsmaxVray2unityPRO PRO version without texture size limit.

Telegram Support Channel https://t.me/OneClickExporter