Tagged 'architecture'

Autodesk_Map to Bitmaptexture

3 votes

This script looks for Autodesk_Map textures in all scene materials and replaces them with standard bitmaps instead. Now that this script is finally general purpose, I'll be rolling a copy of it into the my Autodesk to Standard Material Converter script. The stand-alone version of the script will remain here as usual.

Autodesk_Map textures are generally found in Max files with data imported from Revit.

Strip Paths from Bitmaps

3 votes

Removes current paths from all bitmaps in the scene. Primarily for getting rid of irrelevant paths on files recieved from users on other systems.

This functions in a similar way to stripping paths manually in asset tracking, but when doing that I've found that it can lag a lot and sometimes fail to strip some of the paths until you do it multiple times.

Bad paths can cause lag when Max tries to search for the missing textures, especially when they're pointing to a nonexistent network location.

Sanitize Object Names

2 votes

Removes special characters from object names which can cause issues with network rendering. These often appear when bringing in a model from Revit.

- Inch and feet characters (" and ') are replaced with in and ft.
- Both 's and s' are replaced with s.
- Most other common special characters are currently replaced with underscores.


2 votes

Script makes simple room from rectangular or custom spline. It's designed for 1-sided walls and the same shape is used for floor, ceiling, plinth and cornice.


1 vote

"3ds Max as BIM" project

1 vote

House Creator

0 votes

This script works at creating or capturing mainly what some planes of architectuals proyects represent, this by importing them and adding values at every desired layer.

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