Tagged 'anubis' http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/tags/anubis en Multi Camera Preview http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/multi-camera-preview-0 <p><P>A script <A href="http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/scripts-wanted/multiple-cameras-previews" target="_blank">asked in the forum</a>.<br /> <IMG alt="MCP v.1" src="http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/multicamerapreview.png" /></p> <p>A tool with self explained interface.<br /> Make viewport preview for multiple cameras<br /> with separate range and Nth frame settings<br /> and save to single video or image sequence<br /> with desired compresion.</p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/multi-camera-preview-0#comments Scripts anubis avi camera multiple Preview sequence viewport Fri, 18 Mar 2011 01:04:39 +0000 Anubis 6872 at http://www.scriptspot.com Batch Loader http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/batch-loader <p>Quick Merge/Import multiple files. </p> <p><img src="/files/u9133/batchloader17.png" alt="UI v.1.7" /> </p> <p><strong>Features:</strong> <ul> <li>Merge multiple .MAX files</li> <li>Import multiple .* files (ie all that can be imported)!</li> <li>Log all files where failed to load to Listener (if any)</li> <li>Multiple history for recent used paths available</li> <li>Limit count of recent paths to keep in history added</li> <li>Group option available</li> <li>Layer option available</li> <li>Attach option available</li> <li>"Auto" option (if is checked no prompt for Merge/Import) *</li> </ul> <p><a href="http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/batch-loader" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/batch-loader#comments Scripts 3ds anubis batch fbx files import max merge meshes obj Mon, 05 Oct 2009 23:39:42 +0000 Anubis 5505 at http://www.scriptspot.com Dimension http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/dimension-0 <p>Scale tool coded as modifier plugin</p> <p><img src="http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/dimension_modifier.png" alt="Dimension" /></p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/dimension-0#comments Scripts anubis dimension measure modifier plugin scale simpleMod Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:04:09 +0000 Anubis 6170 at http://www.scriptspot.com Selected Verts Boundary http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/selected-verts-boundary <p>a mini utility show the boundingbox of selected vertices,<br /> as well their Min/Max boundary in world space coordinates.</p> <p><img src="http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/selvertsbound1.png" alt="GUI" /></p> <p>measure single selected node (selection[1])<br /> works with any geometry node that has .mesh value<br /> allows one floater rollout at a time</p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/selected-verts-boundary#comments Scripts anubis boundary bounding box max min selected vertices size subobject level Thu, 22 Dec 2011 05:46:07 +0000 Anubis 7697 at http://www.scriptspot.com Fit the UVW Mapping Gizmo http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/fit-the-uvw-mapping-gizmo <p>Perform Fit gizmo operation on UVW mapping modifier on all selected objects.</p> <p><img src="http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/uvwmapmodfit.png" alt="example" /></p> <p>Features: <ul> <li> Written as macro script </li> <li> Optimized measurements </li> <li> Allows UVWmap on any level in the mod-stack </li> <li> Perform Fit operation on all selected objects </li> </ul> <p>Thanks to Borislav "Bobo" Petrov for the nice tutorial:<br /> <a href="http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/mxs9/uvwgizmofit/index.html" title="http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/mxs9/uvwgizmofit/index.html">http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/mxs9/uvwgizmofit/index.html</a></p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/fit-the-uvw-mapping-gizmo#comments Scripts anubis fit gizmo macroscript modifiers multiple uvwmap Sat, 17 Sep 2011 20:10:27 +0000 Anubis 7403 at http://www.scriptspot.com Mirror Animation Modifier http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/mirror-animation-modifier <p>Mirror position/rotation animation tool written as modifier.</p> <p><img src="http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/mirror-animation_modifier.png" alt="Mirror Animation" /></p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/mirror-animation-modifier#comments Scripts Animation anubis Controllers Keys mirror modifier plugin Position rotation Mon, 13 Sep 2010 12:12:55 +0000 Anubis 6367 at http://www.scriptspot.com ViewPort Preview http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/viewport-preview <p>Capture Viewport animation to any output video/image format that 3ds Max support, with an access to the I/O bitmap setup (quality and compression settings), with a few (similar to the renderer) timing options.</p> <p><img src="http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/vp_preview.png" alt="Viewport Preview" /><img src="http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/vp_preview_12.png" alt="Viewport Preview 1.2" /></p> <p><strong>Update</strong></p> <ul> - version 1.4 change log:</p> <li>Now custom-built sequence support negative ranges</li> <li>You can use interval (space sign) in custom-built sequence</li> </ul> <p><a href="http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/viewport-preview" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/viewport-preview#comments Scripts anubis avi capture mov Preview screenshot video viewport Fri, 23 Apr 2010 23:20:49 +0000 Anubis 6000 at http://www.scriptspot.com AddPRSKeys http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/addprskeys <p><img src="http://www.scriptspot.com/files/u9133/addprskeys.png" alt="GUI" /></p> <p>A script <a href="http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/scripts-wanted/create-keyframes-for-every-frame">requested in the forum</a>.<br /> Useful for some game engines.</p> <p>Enjoy</p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/addprskeys#comments Scripts Add key addNewKey anubis Controllers gamedev Keys PRS tracks Thu, 06 Oct 2011 21:39:35 +0000 Anubis 7481 at http://www.scriptspot.com SelectByMaterialID http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/selectbymaterialid <p>Select all faces with Mareial ID equal to selected one.<br /> Work with base Poly/Mesh &amp; Edit/Select Poly/Mesh Modifiers.<br /> Work on currently selected object/modifier in the modifier stack.</p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/selectbymaterialid#comments Scripts anubis Editable Mesh Editable Poly MaterialiD modifier select faces subobject level Wed, 28 Sep 2011 23:22:10 +0000 Anubis 7456 at http://www.scriptspot.com Undo SubObject Level http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/undo-subobject-level <p>Macro script <a href="http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/general-scripting/how-to-store-last-subobjectlevel">requested in the forum</a>.<br /> <span class="geshifilter"><code class="maxscript geshifilter-maxscript"><span style="color: #ff0000;">&quot;go to the last-used subobject level&quot;</span></code></span></p> <p>* "last-used" here means last recorded (when you invoke the macros)</p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/undo-subobject-level#comments Scripts anubis custom last macroscript subobject level undo Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:40:13 +0000 Anubis 7396 at http://www.scriptspot.com