Tagged 'Scripted plug-in'

Quad Cylinder

6 votes

With this scripted plug-in, you can create cylinders with quad topology on the cap. That is often usefull when you apply a subdivision like MeshSmooth or TurboSmooth. And the parameters are animatable.

Push 2

6 votes

This scripted plug-in was wanted in the forum. It is like the original push modifier but with the option "Straighten Corners" of the shell modifier. You can "push in" and "push out".   -- Update V1.4a --


BCS_Projector (Boxify-Cylindrify-Spherify)

2 votes

With this modifier, you can project your object into either a box, a cylinder or a sphere.

In box mode, you will have ability to modify the width, length and height.

In cylinder mode, you can change the radius, the height and the direction.

In Sphere mode, you can only change the radius.

There is also a global parameter in percentage that control the overall deformation effect.

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