Tagged 'Material Editor'

RH Map Node Renamer

27 votes

It takes the material assigned to the selected object and assigns the name of the object to it. Then it checks if there is a bitmap texture assigned to "Diffuse", "Specular Level", "Opacity" and "Bump". If it finds a bitmap texture in the slot it renames the bitmap texture node to "Color", "Specular", "Opacity", "Normal". Then it also renames the textures asigned using the pattern "NameOfTheObject_NameOfSlot.*" ex. SmallBox_Color.bmp

RH Opacity to Alpha

11 votes

This script will collapse the opacity and diffuse textures into one 32bit texture. It works with multi materials and standard materials. Just select an object and run it.

Copy/Paste Material to File

18 votes

This script was inspired by Copy/Paste Obects v0.2 by Christopher Grant .

Material Editor Manager, MEM

26 votes

This script was developed due to a better usability of 3dsmax's material editor.

Material Texture Loader

5 votes

The Material Texture Loader allows for instant adavanced PBR material creation.

By loading in textures the script can automatically creating a complete material setup for you. You can live edit the material by changing settings, like texture channel inputs, material slot assignments, advanced mapping and material parameters.


  • Texture channel regonition based on industry standard name filters and customizable names.
  • Create all required maps with correct gamma for each corresponding material channel.
  • Live texture loading and map editing, like Composite maps for AO and Bump maps, Color Correction map for diffuse, Triplanar, Real-world and random rotation mapping, Blur filtering, IOR and Material ID and more.
  • UDIM texture set support (Arnold and Fstrom not yet supported)
  • Link Mapping and Coordinates for all bitmap and triplanar maps of the same material.
  • Easily apply materials to Selected object, Material editor or Drag and Drop functionality.
  • Add displacement and UVW Map modifiers and control the displacement height and offset.
  • Vray, Corona, Redshift, Arnold, FStorm, Physical, Octane and Standard texture maps and materials are fully supported.

Get it on Gumroad

Material Tweaker

33 votes

A very useful script for making lots of material adjustments. It works with Vray material, Standard material, & ArchDesign materials.

This script was recently created during a production to save a ton of time making massive material changes.


22 votes

MatShift is a thin pack of ops for shifting materials
between Scene, Material Editor slots and current Library.


12 votes

Cleans unassigned materials out of the Material Editor, replacing them with a gray standard material with default name. Leaves assigned materials intact.

ML2ME (Material Library To Material Editor)

27 votes

Quick load Material Libraries to the Material Editor.
Quick code just from scratch as well.
Generally useful for all people that found 24 ME slots for not enough.


Multi/Sub Object Material Creator

8 votes

Hi all. Here's my Multi/Sub Object Material Creator.

V.05 Updated UI to a less cumbersome version so it's easier to use. Kudos to Tassel for development)

V.04 Updated to include the option for Mental Ray material preset.

Ui tweaks to seperate the materials It now produces a random colour for each material (thanks to br0t)

Added the option to name your material (thanks to br0t)

V.03 Updated to include Mental Ray materials!

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