Tagged 'clean'


88 votes

This tool can help you to clean and speed up your scene. Hover with your cursor over the clean-buttons to see tooltips for further information.



14 votes

Quick tools in one place. Dockbar!


24 votes

And all this works by single button

v.10.3 Fixed bug fo select similar elements
v.10.2 Added select similar elements by selected element (the number of polygons of an element is compared). Добавлено: выделение похожих элементов по выделенному элементу (сравнивается количество полигонов элемента)

Clean Retimers

3 votes

A little scipt for removing retimers from scene, because they cause huuuuuuuuuge performance slowdown.

Asset Cleaner

2 votes


  • See additional info below


  • Some minor bug fixes
  • Added option to save instead of autosave
  • Will automatically rid and reload the file of unwanted 'Motion Clips, Layer Controls + Retimer Managers' [ONLY checks drawings of 5mb and more, can easily be changed in the script to your liking 'search the keyword 5 and you'll see it :) ]
  • Added statistics to the perspective view


CAD Cleaner

12 votes

A utility script to weld vertices and clean up smoothing in imported/converted CAD models. Works on Editable_Mesh objects in selection. Does not work on objects with an Edit_Mesh or Edit_Poly modifier applied. I use this to do a first-pass quick cleanup on imported SolidEdge models; it helps eliminate duplicate faces and odd smoothing groups.


4 votes

Hello, it's a simple script which make life easier for game-dev 3d artists.

Channel Cleaner 1.2

Channel Cleaner:

-Clean selected UV channel

-Clean several UV  channels "From: N-channel To: N-channel"

-Clean Vertex Color/Illumination/Alpha channels

-Works with editable poly and mesh

-Works with one and multiple objects

Thats all.

UPDATED to version 1.2:


12 votes

Cleans unassigned materials out of the Material Editor, replacing them with a gray standard material with default name. Leaves assigned materials intact.

antiNURBS chamfer

6 votes

Usefull tool for antiNURBS modeling technique.

It can chamfer whenever other vertices or edges on the way, the script will eat them all and you'll nice and clean regular geometry along the edge.

For evaluation of the script you'll need to:

1. Select ONLY ONE edge loop of one EditablePoly object. When you've done, run the script and adjust a radius of a chamfer.

2.Then press OK and get the result.

Show Main Notes

39 votes

This 'bean script' just open notes from text file.
May looks like as 'popup notes' kind of scripts,
but it not create or add something to the scene file.
Come in handy then you need quick access (to read/edit)
some major notes without opening the scene file.

-- What it does --
When open/load a scene file, it check for a text file
with the same name at the same dir, and if found it,
just open it in your default text editor (e.g. NotePad).

-- Purpose-built --

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