Tagged 'atmospherics'

FumeFX to Redshift Volume script

0 votes

Fumefx 2 RedshiftVolumeGrid -FFX2RedshiftVolume miniscript v0.1 -- 8/9/2019
Created by David Aviles. [email protected] .

FFX2RedshiftVolume is a small script that creates Redshift volumegrid/s from two or more, selected and already simmed FumeFX grids.
It will align the created Redshift Volume objects to FumeFx grids and rename them accordingly as well as loading the cache files from the master FumeFx grids.

It was inspired by Fumefx VZim v1.4 script -- 8/5/2019 .
Created by Ronnee Swenton and Property of White Wizard Entertainment, LLC.

FumeFX to VrayVolumeGrid miniscript

0 votes

Fumefx 2 VrayVolumeGrid -FFX2VrayVG miniscript v0.1 -- 8/9/2019
Created by David Aviles. [email protected] .

FFX2VrayVG is a small script that creates vrayvolumegrid/s from two or
more selected and already simmed FumeFX grids.
It will align the created VrayVolumeGrids to the FumeFx ones and rename
them accordingly as well as loading the cache files from the master FumeFx grids.

It was inspired by Fumefx VZim v1.4 script -- 8/5/2019 .
Created by Ronnee Swenton and Property of White Wizard Entertainment, LLC.

FumeFX Grid Settings Deep Copy

0 votes

This script copies settings from one grid to another. It does not touch output paths, size etc, but it'll merge the other parameters from one grid to one or more other grids. Handy if you have a lot of grids, do a change in one and need to apply the same changes to all the other grids.

Current version has a couple of limitations. It does not support copying all effectors and keys from colors.


FFX Render

70 votes

This script allows you to split your FFX containers in several passes. You can also add objects in the Matte tab, and they will get the matte/shadow material. It supports up to 10 passes. This script makes changes only at render time.

Version 4.0 updates:
-Added "Snapshot before Render" feature.

Version 3.5 updates:
-Added load/save system.
-Fixed minor bugs.

Version 3.0 updates:
-Added the Render Manager tool which allows you to choose which pass to render consecutively.
-Fixed Render Preview alpha problem.