Tagged 'Auto Render Element'

Camera Z_Depth

43 votes

This script creates a new render element using a falloff shader to emulate a zdepth render element. The min and max values are added to the cameras attributes. This gives you the ability to animate the min and max values of the zdepth and to be able visualize those values in the viewport.

It installs as a macro script in the mikes scripts category.

Update 05/26/2011:
I changed the default values from 100 min and 200 max to 0 min and 0 max.

Update 02/10/2012:
I turned off filtering.

Ccom Map Baker-Auto Render To Texture

0 votes

If you have high polygon file and low polygon file finished UV mapping process before,
this tool can  extract Normal, Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion, Lighting map in one single image within 3DS Max.
So you don't  need to use Photoshop to collaborate all these map images in a single image file.
Baking process will be easily done in a minuite by using this tool.

1. Easy hide unhide delete low poly object, high poly object
2. Auto Import highpolygon
3. Single Import highpolygon

Ccom Map Baker lite - Auto Render To Texture

1 vote

If you have high polygon file and low polygon file finished UV mapping process before,
this tool can extract Normal map in one single image within 3DS Max.
So you don't need to use Photoshop to collaborate all these map images in a single image file.
Baking process will be easily done in a minuite by using this tool.

[max obj import setting]