Tagged 'work' http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/tags/work en miauu's Script Pack vol.1 http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/miauus-script-pack-vol-1 <p><img src="/files/u16042/miauuscriptpackvol1_1350x450_forscriptspot.jpg" alt="" width="638" height="213" /></p> <p><em><strong>miauu's Script Pack</strong></em> is a set of scripts that will help you to make faster and easier some of the tedious task when you use 3ds Max.</p> <p><em><strong>miauu's Script Pack include:</strong></em></p> <p><a href="http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/miauus-script-pack-vol-1" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/miauus-script-pack-vol-1#comments Scripts clone coord Distance edge file Grid Length measure modeling pivot plane Reference save system work Sun, 05 Feb 2012 21:49:10 +0000 miauu 7838 at http://www.scriptspot.com ConStructOr http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/constructor <p>This is a WIP function collection to make the working with structs in maxScript easier.<br /> It's kinda inspired by: 1.Garp's Primitive maker in that you can quickly reDefine structs and 2.the lack of functions provided by maxScript.</p> <p>The only functions in it so far are:</p> <ul> <li>addVar - add a property to a struct</li> <li>gotProperty - the equivalent of hasProperty or isProperty functions for a struct</li> </ul> <p><strong>Let me know what kind of functions you'd like to see in here</strong></p> http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/constructor#comments Scripts add Check redefine structs with work Wed, 05 Jan 2011 20:07:33 +0000 Graph 6674 at http://www.scriptspot.com