Tagged 'surface'

Polygon Creator

63 votes

This script is very useful for car exterior modelling. It allows you to create really smooth polygonal surface using splines or NURBS curves to control the shape of the surface. Also allows you to control the edge loops of the surface. With this script you have to draw only the borders of the surface you want. Watch the video or the help page for more information!


36 votes

Populate:Terrain assists in creating and optimizing terrain surfaces from contour lines or from existing meshes. The quad based output allows for easier later remodeling, for example using push/pull painting. The regular face size reduces rendering issues (GI, displacement) and you can use Turbosmooth on it.

Mesh Surface

21 votes

Creates surface defined by four splines. The order of picking the splines matters - they should form a closed loop. If you get a weird looking mesh, try once again starting with another of the four splines:

Note that if any of the splines are animated, the resulting mesh is animated, too.

scripted glue

44 votes

this scripts does the same thing as a free plugin GLUE does, namely it glues objects to a surface. i've written this sript because i was tired of necessity of looking for new recompiled plugins with every new max release. and this script can do a bit more than original: it can align glued objects to normal, and you can glue along any vector, defined with tape helper object. more with newer version - vertex projection, eye ray, more precision


Pivot & Align Tools

10 votes

Pivot & Align Tools (PAT) are a set of macros bundled into a quad menu that allow you to perform various object alignment, pivot alignment and object snapping functions... among others. Most of the functions can operate on a selection of multiple objects at once, including grouped objects as part of the selection (open or closed).

NOTE: This script was written for 3dsmax prior to 2025 which introduced a new menu system. This will be rectified in future updates.


PolyNurbs 1.0 - Released

20 votes

PolyNurbs is a tool to convert nurbs objects to quad poly.


A lot of us want to use nurbs or spline to make our quad meshes. I have tried a lot of solutions, scripts, surface modifier, turn to poly and detriangulate... but no one works as we want.

With PolyNurbs you can:

Vertex Normals Stitcher

8 votes

This script averages vertex normals at the borders (Open Edges).

It allows you to smooth a surfaces after separating vertexs / edges / faces.
(example: after detaching faces or splitting edges).
It still keeping a hard Edges if the object have multiple Smoothing Group ID

Images shown are not a welding operation

New UI :


23 votes


Description: This MouseTool is made to help place a node onto the surface of some geometry based upon mouse click location. it will place the node by its pivot point and orient its local z axis to the normal of the intersection. (Additional: Added a new Ability to click and drag to rotate around the Nodes Local Z axis)  Hope its helpful to someone besides me. Heres the code... Enjoy


93 votes

Honeycomb is a free scripted geometry plug-in (for 3ds Max 9 SP1 and higher)
that build procedural hexagonal tiles surface sorted in 4 shape types.


7 votes

CANDO is a software for create random tiles. It is able to output tiles in three dimensions or as textures. This program can be used to create bricks, mosaics, tiles, parquet and ... .
General features of the software are as follows: