Tagged 'surface'


0 votes

 3dsMax Script for Creating Tween Curves from Shapes or Surface and Creating Sections from Geometry.

Thanks to JokerMartini.

Rolling Ball

0 votes

Rolling Ball, is a Script for 3Ds Max that allows the automatic rotation of a ball in any direction and on any surface.

The Script mathematically calculates how much the ball should rotate and in what direction. Considering the distance traveled and the radius of the ball.

Mesh Muscle

7 votes

Similar to the CAT Muscle Strand object, only mesh-based and accepts modifiers.

MeshMuscle primitive

Attach to Surface

2 votes

Given and object and a surface, creates a surface-aligned helper and parents the object to it.

Pivot & Align Tools

10 votes

Pivot & Align Tools (PAT) are a set of macros bundled into a quad menu that allow you to perform various object alignment, pivot alignment and object snapping functions... among others. Most of the functions can operate on a selection of multiple objects at once, including grouped objects as part of the selection (open or closed).

NOTE: This script was written for 3dsmax prior to 2025 which introduced a new menu system. This will be rectified in future updates.


Place Rivets

1 vote

Place Rivets is a max script for populating geometry object on a given surface along a driven spline.

Wire Chaos

4 votes

Wire Chaos

A 3dsMax-Tool written in MaxScript


2017 April 03 - Tommy Dräger

Mesh Surface

21 votes

Creates surface defined by four splines. The order of picking the splines matters - they should form a closed loop. If you get a weird looking mesh, try once again starting with another of the four splines:

Note that if any of the splines are animated, the resulting mesh is animated, too.

DeformByProjecting Utility

7 votes

DeformByProjecting is a scripted utility for 3dsmax that allows deform one or more objects by projecting mesh verticies on the surface of another object (preform). The basic idea is similar to Conform (Compound Object), but functionality DeformByProjecting utility has differences and features:


7 votes

CANDO is a software for create random tiles. It is able to output tiles in three dimensions or as textures. This program can be used to create bricks, mosaics, tiles, parquet and ... .
General features of the software are as follows: