Tagged 'target'

HoHa Camera HandHeld

12 votes



Here is another script for the community.

I was looking for a good camera shake - handheld generator for 3ds max. Couldn't find any. So I decided to write a script to make that happen. ( Didn't we all? :))

Handheld Desmonstration


VrayLight Target

9 votes

Adds a target to picked vraylight

SymMapping_Tools for max

17 votes

This tool was created by inspired from XSI symmetry mapping with some additional feature for max and its saved on external files for easy to use. Works on editable_poly object.


10 votes

Script transports the material from one object to another without materialeditor. Скрипт передаёт материал от одного объекта другому без материалэдитора.


Select More Target

11 votes

Slim (self explained) selection assistant.


Commonly useful when select target lights, cameras or tape helpers,
or any objects with (older) Look_At transform controller applied
and you wish to select their targets as well.

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