Tagged 'Color'


71 votes

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.

Kelvin T to Light Color

19 votes

Hi,this is my first script so I will be happy to get some comments. With this script you can check the rgb color that match any Kelvin temperature from 1000 K to 10000 K. Also you can set that color to all selected lights.
The script can be found in Lights category of the user interface.

3dmax Vray To Unreal Engine Converter and Vertex Color Baker

1 vote

This script can convert Vray to Unreal engine Materials and geomerty, Bake AO/GI/CustomShader to vertex Color/alpha or to texture. Also you can place All scene objects in Unreal like in 3ds max Scene in one click.

Wirecolor Toolbox

40 votes

Simple toolbox for working with wirecolors based on various criteria including material diffuse color, average texture color and filters for node names and classes (for nodes wildcards and hierarchies are supported and encouraged).


1 vote

Contrastive Wire Color

32 votes

Just make your objects more readable in the viewport.
Yes, this is NOT a random color generator!
The utility adjust RGB channels of objects wirecolor.
The purpose is clear (I hope).


4 votes

Hello, it's a simple script which make life easier for game-dev 3d artists.

Channel Cleaner 1.2

Channel Cleaner:

-Clean selected UV channel

-Clean several UV  channels "From: N-channel To: N-channel"

-Clean Vertex Color/Illumination/Alpha channels

-Works with editable poly and mesh

-Works with one and multiple objects

Thats all.

UPDATED to version 1.2:


18 votes

this script converts colors from one gamma space to another. it affects color picker fields in material editor.


Realtime Color Pick

1 vote

Simple color picker window to interactively, in real-time, change the color of selected objects

ACP (Alternate Color Picker) and colorPalette

29 votes

An alternate color picker and color palette manager. So far only a photoshop style color picker is implemented - other types are planned for the future.