Tagged 'save'

Save Increment

1 vote

This code saves, and find the LAST SEQUENCE number in the file name to automatically increment.
This works especially with names with suffix after the sequence number.

Save Selected With Maps

3 votes

It will save your selected objects to a chosen folder and collect/relink all selected objects bitmaps to that same folder, even if the bitmaps are just flagged "found" in the asset tracker.

If path are missing or unsolved those maps will keep their missing or unsolved path, it will be easier to try to find them.

It is compatible with Vray bitmaps, Corona bitmaps and IES files in Standard, Photometric, Vray and Corona Lights.


16 votes

Saves a jpg file containing your last render everytime you save a max file. Helps to keep track of your changes.

Scene Notes Pro @ Show Notes Only

0 votes

Scene Notes Pro Show Notes allows you to read the notes saved with Scene Notes Pro.

You can't add and/or edit the notes, only to read them in case that you do not own Scene Notes Pro.



13 votes

Teamwork Script User Interface

View Manager

13 votes

Save and restore up to 5 views in the current scene.

I am working on a bit more usefull version but I have some issues to be resolved. The idea is like in AutoCAD - you save up to 5 views in the current scenes - for now you can't save or name them but I hope to resolve that. This helps in working in the viewport without the need to create cameras.


23 votes

Save and restore unlimited views.
You can save views in one scene and load them in another scene.
Double click in the list to restore the saved view.


The idea come from AutoCAD where you can save up to 5 views. Im not sure (never see) how exactly this feature works in AutoCAD, I just read about this in the ScriptSpot.com, and I hope this tool is useful anyway ;-)

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