Tagged 'Biped'


12 votes

The macroscript allows a biped to be follow another object. The
Biped's horizontal/vertical/turning keys will be modified to match the
objects'. Optionally additive or original key useage is allowed. Meant
to use motionmixed 'gameanimations' and let them follow a path.

Worker of Biped

35 votes

Based on Blur's Biped Worker, this script creates a floater interface allowing easier selection of a biped's different body parts. It will simultaneously support several Bipeds with different bone setups. Multi-bone (Control-Click), hierarchical (Shift-Click), symmetry and opposite selections are also supported, as are the setting of commonly use pivot points all within the GUI.

Rigging Army Knife

28 votes

This is an advanced toolset for rigging. For a full features list refer to the included readme.


3 votes

Using a selected biped body part this script will select the rest of the biped. If any of the parts are hidden or frozen they will be unfrozen or unhidden.


3 votes

This script will either (based on the object selected and its' subobject mode) paste a biped posture opposite or paste a skin envelope or mirror paste a skin envelope.


3 votes

This script will either (based on the object selected and its' subobject mode) paste a biped posture opposite or paste a skin envelope or mirror paste a skin envelope.


6 votes

Using a selected biped body part this script will select the rest of the biped. If any of the parts are hidden or frozen they will be unfrozen or unhidden.


3 votes

Using a selected biped body part this script will select the rest of the biped body parts and all of their keys.

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