Tagged 'hide'

Show Textures in viewport (one click!)

6 votes

A simple check button to place on your toolbar, to show or hide your material textures on viewport.

If there's nothing selected, it works on all materials in scene. Otherwise, on materials from selected objects only.

It supports almost any kind of material or render engine.

The script was written in a way that depends as minimum as possible on render engine, so it should support a wide range of engines and materials. But it's not infallible.

turbo hide

12 votes

this script hides-unhides objects (it remembers hidden objects, so you do not need to unhide them by name)

Unhide by Select

3 votes

This script allows you to unhide hidden objects by selecting them via mouse click or via Select From Scene dialog(H hotkey).

How to use it:


6 votes

v1.17 Добавлен тумблер скрытия/развертывания выделенных объектов. Was add toggle hide/unhide selected objects

v1.16 Добавлено скрытие слоя с нажатым ESC и выделенным объектам. Added hiding the layer with pressed ESC and selected objects


Added: Will Hide all Layers except of the layer of an object allocated, If Esc+button of "Hide Unselected" command pressed.
It works even in sublayers (Thanks to Dmitry Belonosov and Vladislav Bodyul http://www.scriptspot.com/users/bodyulcg)

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