Tagged 'Editable Poly'


4 votes

Select all faces with Mareial ID equal to selected one.
Work with base Poly/Mesh & Edit/Select Poly/Mesh Modifiers.
Work on currently selected object/modifier in the modifier stack.

Function Sculptor

3 votes

zOffset = x^2-y^2

Function Sculptor is a scripted plugin that deforms meshes, polys or splines according to an arbitrary, user-input function. This allows easy creation of an endless variety of smooth, precisely curved surfaces. It also enables the mathematically precise curving of splines for extrusions, path-deforms and lofts.

It uses the world-x, y, and z coordinates of points to displace those points in world-z.

Editable spline shape with 2 sub-splines, before and after sculpt:

Poly Average Normals

36 votes

The macro script that averages all vertex normals
for faces tracked using custom (time saver) "smart selection".

Poly Average Normals


3 votes

Connect edges every given distance.


8 votes

v2.1 Added tool which works by selected axis transform/ Добавлен инструмент, который работает по выбранной оси трансформации.

Poly Loop Soft Select

5 votes

Poly Loop Soft Select – 3dsmax MAXScript, allows when working with Editable Poly object in Edge sub-object mode filter Soft Selection by selected edge’s loop.

When Poly Loop Soft Select filter Soft Selection only edges which connected to selected edge will remain.

SymMapping_Tools for max

17 votes

This tool was created by inspired from XSI symmetry mapping with some additional feature for max and its saved on external files for easy to use. Works on editable_poly object.


22 votes

Conform selected objects to other objects's surface. The scripts works only with Collapsed Editable Poly objects from the selection. Other objects in selection are left intact.
Known issues
Sometimes when operating with surface objects with too many vertices some vertex may not be placed over the surface.
This tool is still in development phase so any feedback is quite welcome.

Simple process preview is available here:


0 votes

This script converts the selection to Editable Poly and then quadrifies all polygons.

It`s simple but I personally find it useful when merging downloaded archives with triangled meshes.

Override -Selection Mode- & -Convert Selection- in EditablePoly/UnwrapUVW

19 votes

This script override selection mode in EditablePoly/UnwrapUVW AND allow to Convert subobject selection to an another in EditablePoly and Unwrap

Hit 1 or 2/3/4/5 ==> go in vertex/edge/..() mode
Re-hit 1 or 2/3/4/5 ==> go in object mode and you can select another object!
I have added a line, with "Max modify mode", like this, if your are not in "modify panel" when you select an object and hit 1 to set vertex mode, the script go automatically in the panel "modify"

Go in Customize User Interface, Group "Main UI", Category "zOffTy Tools" and set
1 for epoly_vertex