MCG Randomize Elements

1 vote

Pretty basic modifier to randomize mesh elements, the difference from the existing ones is the possibility to specify an upnode, which serves as a reference system for all the transformations. That means that XYZ rotation are then parallel with the object's axes, same with translation and scale.

Additional Info: 

More or less another sample file, not really production ready for its speed (or rather slowness). If you want to quickly randomize mesh elements, use this one instead.

3ds Max Version Requirement: 
RandomizeElements.zip12.34 KB


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vbn's picture

Doesn't work

I have the same problem. The mesh elements don't transform randomly. I'm using Max 2023.

camouflage98's picture

I have the same issue

I'm experiencing the same issue with 3ds max 2018.
Is there any way we can fix this issue, please?
When used, all objects change in the same way, not randomly.

mimicrin's picture

Not a random

Hello! Can you help? When used, all objects change in the same way, not accidentally.

snimok.png 62.33 KB
brainsgonedead's picture


Nice one! Jokermartini charges for his version where yours is free and does exactly what it says on the tin!

Thanks :)

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