Move selected object with keyboard

1 vote
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awsd poster

A little free plug-in which allows you to move selected objects with A,W,S,D keys. If it will be useful for someone, I will improve it.

Version Requirement: 
3DS Max 2010 and higher
move_objects_with_keyboard_crea3d.mse1.54 KB


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enmax's picture


HI! I am Ukraina from. A big request to you - help me to trace the click of a mouse and also its movement left-right or up-down in Dotnet

alexnguyen's picture


yes , hide your descripted code and use "try() catch ()" , everything can be hack , but when you make your code complicated , hacker more difficult

miauu's picture


The "another" script must decrypt the "script", right?

alexnguyen's picture


you run from another script

miauu's picture


What happens when you run this script in 3ds Max?

fajar's picture

To whoever

@Whoever can crack the owner [or another author] which mean not as public consumption , please do not post it here , have some respect to the owner. You can always contact him personally via email or another mean


alexnguyen's picture



alexnguyen's picture

how to protect your code

there are many ways to protect your script , encode it to other format and rename it to mse , :)

matfuns.mse 22.34 KB
brainsgonedead's picture

Could be right

Damn just tried it with Polyunwrapper and QuickBMS failed...Rats I thought I was a winner lol

brainsgonedead's picture


Nope it wasn't max encryption as I tried with an older version of quickbms. I also tried it on Maxgrass and Maxmounts and Quad Chamfer Pro by Miauu.

I was just trying to prove that there are tools out there that can decrypt, it was part of CREA3D's old competition and I guess I was still in the mood to have some fun...

Anyway here is the move script but only now moves by 1 proper pixel not 15 or so!

AttachmentSize 1.33 KB

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