Animate street moving and racetracks in 3ds Max

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Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Tsvetan Stoyanov


The script "Trajectory" animates a single vehicle on the street or racetrack.
It updates the bodie's z_rotation, front weels' z_rotation, wheels' y_rotation and
car's position.
Supports acceleration (acceleration control), time control, creation of custom car rigs,shortest distance or higher speed moving path, engine audio.
The audio need to be tuned and maybe improved in next editions.
In newer versions of 3ds Max you need to click 2 times in the viewport, when you create the 1 st vertex of the shapes (arcs and lines - watch the video).
Buy this standard edition from:

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Youtube video tutorial:

Free User Guide (the attached file)

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2010 and newer
Other Software Required: 
.Net Framework 3.5
trajuserguide.rar554.15 KB