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AutoPivot is a useful script for 3ds Max created to help you move easly object's pivot.


It includes two separate scripts that move the pivot to its center or to lowest point.
Unlike the standard 3ds command that uses the Selection Bracket, AutoPivot calculates the center of mass and moves the pivot accordingly.

Main features:

  • AutoPivot_Center moves the Pivot to the center
  • AutoPivot_Bottom moves it to the foot
  • Calculation of the center of mass for Mesh and Poly objects
  • Calculation of the average position of the vertices for Spline objects

Additional Info: 

To use it, simply select the object, or objects, that you want to edit the pivot and then press the AutoPivot Center button to move it in the center, or press AutoPivot Bottom to move it on the foot.
The script uses vertex computation to find the center of mass so the speed of execution depends on the complexity of the object.
Be aware that you may experience slowness with high polygon objects.
Remember that the Group object itself has no mass so its center will always coincide with the center of the Selection brackets.

Tested on 3ds Max: 2016 - 2018 - 2020
For bugs or issues report please contact us at the support email [email protected] and we will reply within 24h. Use the comments section below only for questions about the script's functionality.


Update 1.2 (30th Jul 2021)

  • Fixed issue where pivot got lost on open-edge geometry

Update 1.1 (7th Dec 2020)

  • Improved speed up to 20x on heavy geometry
  • Fixed issue where script doesn't work on groups within group

Update 1.0 (15th Nov 2020)

  • First release


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Visuali Studio's picture

AutoPivot 1.1 Update!

Please check your inbox to free download the new update 1.1 and try it.

Feature and bugfix:
- Improved speed up to 20x on heavy geometry
- Fixed issue where script doesn't work on groups within group

If you have problems receiving the email you can check your gumroad account or write to us at the email address [email protected]

medlenen's picture


Hello! With a large number of polygons, the script does not cope. For example Curtain or wardrobe

Visuali Studio's picture

Please contact us

Hi Saeed Amiri,
please contact us directly at the email: [email protected] or at the support email: [email protected] and we will do our best to solve this problem.

Saeed Amiri's picture

just purchased and it's super

just purchased and it's super slow and it's not working within a group.

short_cirkuit's picture

thanks - email was sent.

thanks - email was sent.

Visuali Studio's picture

Please send me a sample scene

The problem seems to be related to the slowness of the previous message. But I would still like to investigate the problem better so if possible please send me a sample scene (3dsMax 2020 or lower) containing this error to the assistance email: [email protected]

short_cirkuit's picture

Thanks - also, it doesnt work

Thanks - also, it doesnt work on groups - it freezes there too

Visuali Studio's picture

We will do our best to fix this bug in the next release

Hi short_cirkuit, thank you for reporting and I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with our script. We will do our best to fix this bug in the next release.

short_cirkuit's picture

just purchaed - seems to work

just purchaed - seems to work VERY slow on heavier geometry such as plants/trees...

IvanGospodinov's picture

Looks cool ! Thank you !

Looks cool ! Thank you !

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