BG Switcher
Hi, here is the new version of BGSwitcher which allow you in easy way to set in you viewport nice gradient backgrounds and modo like backgrounds
- New ui
- Fixed strips for gradient background (gamma 2.2 problems)
- Spherical backgrounds like in modo (works just in 3DS Max 2012)
- Silhouette tester
- Dummy
- Materials and improved wireframe randomizer
- UV Cheker tool
- Quick Materials
- MaxScipt tools
I have recorded a video how to instal it and use BGSwitcher it was first time when I made some explanation video and I was a bit nervous
and Sorry for my English.
I had a bit of problem with video an audio synchronization at the end of video :( so I'll try to update it later. sorry for this
For runing script I used Script Organizer
Also please have a look at Splitgatecentral video "Making of N0X-2292 (part 1)" on vimeo to see how usefull can be silhouette tester
If yo have any suggestion or found a bug please dont hasitate to contact me by mail. If you are interested to join and participate in discussion and developing of BGSwithcer feel fre to join to BGSwitcher room on IRC
Server: Room: #BGSwitcher
Thank you!
Attachment | Size |
---|---| | 1.15 MB |
Is there any way to get this
Is there any way to get this working with legacy viewport switcher(LVS)
I can only store the BG in one view,
Try to turn on/off few times gamma
Try to turn on/off few times gamma using "On/Off Gamma" button in background switcher rollout in 90% it helps.
BGSwitcher have 2 sets of background images, first one is used when gamma is turned off and second set of images is used when gamma is turned on. But some times even this set of background images looks bad and I have no idea for the moment how to fix this
Great stuff. However do you
Great stuff. However do you think it is possible to have it so when you use gamma on you will have the same result as when it is off. I always have gamma turned on but the backgrounds dosn't look so good then.
Unfortunately it works for me only with an empty scene. When i open a scene and use it only shows plain colors instead of gradients. Did i mention the script error when you already use a color as background? I think its far away from RC.
PS. To be honest i performed a scene merge of my file in an empty scene and re-saved. Then it worked as expected.
Spherical Backgrounds
Spherical Backgrounds should work in all modes shaded, wireframe etc. but them works just in 2012 version
wow! great improvement. but
wow! great improvement. but is spherical background works only in shaded mode?
In BGS rollout
Yes, actualy are 3 buttons in BGS rollout. AW AD and in right upper corner.
AW - is for ame-lihgt color scheme set viewport background color to light gray
AD - is for ame-dark color scheme set viewport color to dark gray
the last one in upper right corner allow you to switch between gradient viewport and simple colored
Arr yes sorry I should have
Arr yes sorry I should have been clearer.
What I was trying to ask was, if I change one of the background colours is there a button to go back to the way is was before.
Hello lucpet59
>Can you restore the original state of max after changing it?
Do you mean to restore originial state after you use MaxScript tools? then try to use button with green arrows
Please let me know what categories of the script are confusing for you and I'll try to help
Great script
Can you restore the original state of max after changing it?
I tried to watch the video but I have trouble hearing and couldn't work out what some of the button were for (Could you add some tooltips to the buttons)