Change Listener Color Scheme

8 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Savaş Çetin

Hi there..

The script is for 3ds max 2020.1 and higher versions of 3ds max. It can change listener's colors save them in .xml format for share or future usage. For now I could not find an .ini file to write those settings in so there is a save startup script button on the bottom of the dialog.

Additional Info: 

there is an. xml file in file.

You can try  gui colors from that xml.

Notes on V1.50:

Added: Spinner for resizing the listener font size

Fixed: Multiple instances opens on repetiteve opening of the script


Version Requirement: 
2020 update 1
Other Software Required: 
Video URL: 
future_1_50.zip366 bytes
listenercolorsfor2020-1_51.ms11.7 KB


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todor's picture

it looks cool !

it looks cool !

jahman's picture


Who executes scripts in listener anyway?

Commands, not scripts. Like showProperties $ and many others
How do you do it without the listener?

UltranDev's picture

new feature

Who executes scripts in listener anyway?
also dev said it will be added in next version.

There's no god, Get used to it!

jahman's picture


"I tried it and I can't imagine going back to maxscript listener"

Can you write and execute any maxscript command using this logger and get the result printed as in the maxscript listener? If it isn't possible then it's hardly a replacement.

UltranDev's picture


I strongly suggest to developers use NeoLogger for 3ds max instead of maxscript listener.

I tried it and I can't imagine going back to maxscript listener and the best thing I found about it was custom log color.

It's free

Download at official discord server

There's no god, Get used to it!

RafalZera's picture

Font and its size info location

Hi, that setting is kept in your [OS Drive]C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\[YourMaxVer]\ENU\3dsMax.ini

in section
Font=Monospac821 BT

savascetin's picture


Done the font size bot not the font...

savascetin's picture

Re: Font & font size

I'm sorry, I forgot to add that feature. I will be working on it as soon as I'm available. I generally change my font size with "Ctrl+ Mouse wheel" shortcut.But it doesn't stay that way after you restart your max.

Royal Ghost's picture

Font & font size

Support of Listener font and font size would be nice.

Royal Ghost |

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