Dynamic registration with mxscom

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If you are like me - you have multiple max installations on your machine - but you want to use your favorite 3rd party text editor (via rezn8's mxscome bridge) with all of them. However if you are like me - you are probably tired of manually pointing mxscom to your particular installation of max everytime you want to switch.

Now with this script - this task will be automatically done when you start max.

Additional Info: 

How is this done?
Just place this script in your scriptsstartup directory.

How does it work?
It dynamically creates a .reg file - filling in the data for the instance of max that is running. It then runs the .reg file - and then it registers max as an OLE interface server.

The .reg file is created in your '$scripts' directory - is deleted when it's finished. If you don't want to delete it - then just comment out the deleteFile call in the script.

The good news about this - is that no interaction with dialog boxes is necassary when calling a command through the maxscript 'doscommand' function. (As you all know - manually editing the registery via a .reg file requires human interaction)

Any Limitations?
It will only work on one version of Max at a time. When multiple installations are running at the same time - it will only work for the first one. For instance:

- Open Max 8 -
- Open Max 9 -
- Evaluate a script in your favorite text editor

Results: The script is evaluated in Max 8. Apparently once registered - it can't be forcibly released by an outside app.

- Now close Max 8
- Evaluate a script in your favorite text editor

Results: The script is evaluated in Max 9.

To give feedback / ask questions - view the original post at cgtalk

Version Requirement: 
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