Football Ball Maker

19 votes
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This simple script create football/soccer ball. The resulted mesh is a high poly (18.000) ball with a multi/sub-object material, white ball with black patches.

Additional Info: 

Just run the script and input the desired ball radius, push the "Create Ball" button and the ball will be created at [0,0,0].

Several people asked me how they could texture the ball afterward, here is a small tutorial I hope you like it.

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2009


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atanguay's picture

soccer ball

Just in case these comments show up in the search - this creates what's also known as a soccer ball. ;-)

(sorry, just noticed you call that out in the description)

Mr.T's picture

I just made a simple tutorial

I just made a simple tutorial because several people asked me how they can texture the ball. This is one of the many ways to do it:

Thank you.

capcaverna's picture

easy to make a ball now. so

easy to make a ball now. so fun =)

The life is Good

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