Heuristic Edge Select

10 votes
Date Updated: 

Select a loop of edges both on quad and non-quad geometry. Both a command without GUI and a settings dialog to fine-tune the stop cases are available.

Heuristic Edge Select Dialog

Installation: Run the .mcr file or drop it to the viewport. This will create a new category, Advanced Poly Ops and new item in it, Heuristic Edge Select. Using Customize User Interface dialog, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to the loop command and add it to a menu or a quad-menu – the menu/quad-menu item will also have a settings box where you can set the constraints of the loop or grow/shrink the loop.

Heuristic Edge Select Quad Menu

Additional Info: 


Version 0.02b:
Added support for Edit_Poly modifier.

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 9, VIZ 2008
heuristic_edge_select.mcr8.44 KB


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RobH2's picture

Works in Max 2023

This is really handy and works for the most part in Max 2023. I can't get to the settings as it doesn't appear in my Quad, but if I select and edge and run the script, it will automatically select a loop. Saves a lot of time. No crashes and no corruption of Max so far.

"Who is staring at the sea is already sailing a little."

sampei's picture

Oustanding, thanks so much

Oustanding, thanks so much for sharing this. This is the way Cinema 4D does loop selection, I was frustrated when I discovered that default edge loop detection in Max has rather strict parameters meaning a one click selection would now require 4 steps. This script bypasses this limitation and correctly selects the desired edge loop.

rs3d's picture


Great script!

barigazy's picture


Yup. Nice job! +1


lightcube's picture

Perfect timing for this

Perfect timing for this script to get bumped. I ran into a scenario where I need to keep some meshes triangulated and was bummed about it because of loop selection woes.

I made a MacroScript dependant on this macro for selecting vert loops from selected vertices. Might be good to merge into one macroscript (I just made a separate macroscript that calls the main one).

The edited MCR is attached.

heuristic_edge_select_0.mcr 11.86 KB


Shawn Olson

Developer of Wall Worm

Barbiturat's picture


amazing! thank you!

Nik's picture
draging's picture

great... thanks!

great... thanks!

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