Max Hotbox

586 votes
[Open Beta]
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Andreas Meissner


This script is in open beta phase, available for public.

Who creates the best interface for the users? The users theirselves! This tool is inspired by the Maya Hotbox. It is not ment to be a tool collection on its own, its idea is to provide ways to you for accessing and organizing functionality. Build your own interface, customize your workflow to your needs.

Additional Info: 
  • show/hide hotbox-layer, run macros, execute scripts, open files or just re-execute your last hotbox action
  • trigger actions by using buttons, hotkeys, mousegestures, ...
  • build your own interface and organize your scripts as you want with hotbox profiles and nested layers
  • independent, Max Hotbox hotkeys override/suppress 3ds Max hotkeys
  • portable, no installation
  • all macros of 3ds max can be assigned to hotbox-buttons
  • style your hotbox with transparent and multicolor buttons, dock and group them with each other
  • provides as much functionality as possible for custom userscripts


  • should work for 3ds Max 9 SP2 - 3ds Max 2011
  • works for 32bit and 64bit systems

How to start Max Hotbox:

  • download and unpack
  • drag and drop the "MaxHotbox.mse" file into your viewport
  • hold down Spacebar on 3ds Max mainwindow

Max Hotbox is already configured for some simple tasks like Extrude a Face or so, but it is ment to be configured by yourself. It would be nice if you could share your configuration of Max Hotbox with other users. Please also watch the tutorial videos about Max Hotbox on YouTube to become familiar with the tool. I hope you will get along.

How to autostart Max Hotbox on next 3ds Max startup:

  • drag and drop the "" file into your viewport

How to upgrade from a previous version:

  • download and unpack the new version
  • replace the "Profiles" folder of the new version with the folder from the old version
    (the "Profiles" folder contains your configuration of Max Hotbox)


Watch Videos about Max Hotbox on YouTube


Your feedback is very welcome.


Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 9 SP2 - 3ds Max 2011
Other Software Required: 
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or higher
Video URL: 


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real08121985's picture

The script is portable, it

The script is portable, it needs no installation. You can either put on a USB stick and use it on different PCs or you just dublicate the Max Hotbox folder to get 2 identical scripts.

MaxGoodwin's picture

Saving Settings

Hi! Is there any option to save my settings to any file to port the script to other copy of 3dsmax? Thank you!

mLichy's picture

It installed fine on max 2012

It installed fine on max 2012 64bit for me.

Matt Lichy - 3D Artist

real08121985's picture

I removed the region event

I removed the region event because it was very performance hungry since it checked all regions every time you moved the mouse. I can add it in the future and check by using an interval of time maybe.

The highlighting of buttons is already in the current code, it is just not activated/accessable yet. Also transparency needs to be added.

There are definitly some things on the todo-list for this script. But first things first, right now I first need to find a job and move there.

real08121985's picture

works on max 2012?

Does this script works for anyone on 3ds max 2012? I heard it works for some, but when I tried myself it didn't worked (used 2012 + service pack 2). Autodesk changed something about the .dll-import of 3ds max in version 2012.

kentzin's picture

Where is the "region" Event

Hi, thanks for sharing your amazing script!!!, I liked a function I saw in your first video, where you trigger an action by passing your mouse over a region but it seem it is no longer in this version...

I would like to trigger actions when I release the mouse button instead of clicking, and if it is possible that when you pass the mouse over an existing button, the button highlights so you know when you release the mouse button is the action you selected..


henriquedw's picture

The Script is great I like,

1. The Script is great I like it, have to test it out more, but I noticed that all the buttons from the HotBox show up as windows when you want to switch between softwares , pressing alt+Tab. why this? is there a way to get rid of it?

2. Also I notice that undo doesnt work after some functions, or some functions doesnt work properly. Sometime it crashes max.


real08121985's picture

The problem seems to be

The problem seems to be maxscript based and occurs when the macros are loaded. Please send me an email at gg9943* (replace * with @) so we can try to solve it.

santex's picture


here is macros.ini
i hope you can find out what's wrong. i really want to use this great script.

AttachmentSize 18.27 KB
real08121985's picture

Attach the file "...\Max

Attach the file "...\Max Hotbox\Core\Macros.ini" here, so I can download it.

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